
Where are okapi native to?

Where are okapi native to?

the Democratic Republic of Congo
Native to the Democratic Republic of Congo, okapis are mainly found within the Ituri Forest and prefer very dense tropical rainforests. While they usually remain in the thick vegetation, they also frequent nearby riverbeds.

Are okapi in Africa?

The okapi is native to the Ituri Rainforest in the Democratic Republic of Congo—the only place where it can be found in the wild—and has thick, oily fur to stay dry in the rain.

When was the first okapi found?

The okapi was first discovered by the western world by ZSL fellow, Sir Harry Johnston, in 1901 but what else do we know about this extraordinary and shy creature? The only place in the world that you can find a wild okapi is in the dense tropical rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Where does the name okapi come from?

The name Okapi is primarily a gender-neutral name of African origin that means Animal With Long Neck.

Is an okapi a hybrid?

Okapis only look like they are a hybrid of giraffe and zebra, but they are actually their own species! They are related to the giraffe but have a shorter neck and shorter legs. The only place in the world where okapis are found is in the forests of Democratic Republic of Congo (Africa).

What is the niche of an okapi?

Ecological niche Being herbivores, okapis may have a role in the structuring of plant communities. They may also affect predator populations, as items of prey.

Is the okapi an endangered species?

Endangered (Population decreasing)
Okapi/Conservation status

What is the history of the okapi?

Found in the rainforests of the Congo region, the okapi was unknown to science until 1901, when British explorer Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston sent the first bits of hide to the British Museum. However, British American explorer Sir Henry Morton Stanley had made the first report of the animal as early as 1890.

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Where is the okapi in the food chain?

Okapi/Trophic level

What is the kingdom of okapi?

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla

What is the classification of an okapi?

Data Quality Indicators:

Infraclass Eutheria Gill, 1872
Order Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 – artiodactyls, porco do mato, veado, cloven-hoofed ungulates, even-toed ungulates
Family Giraffidae Gray, 1821 – giraffes
Genus Okapia Lankester, 1901
Species Okapia johnstoni (P. L. Sclater, 1901) – okapi, Okapi

What is a group of okapi called?

A group of okapis is called a herd, though they are typically solitary animals.