
Where can I find a seminal study?

Where can I find a seminal study?

Seminal Works

  1. You can use Google Scholar or Web of Science to locate seminal works on a topic.
  2. In Google Scholar, search for your topic.
  3. In Web of Science, search broadly for your topic.
  4. You can use Google Scholar and Web of Science to look up how many times a particular work has been cited.

How do you know if an article is seminal?

Seminal articles — also known as landmark or classic articles — are sources that made a large impact within a particular discipline and continue to be referenced in current research. These articles often presented new ideas when they were published and influenced a major change in thinking within the discipline.

What is a seminal research study?

Seminal works, sometimes called pivotal or landmark studies, are articles that initially presented an idea of great importance or influence within a particular discipline.

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What is an example of a seminal text?

Seminal/Fundamental Papers A famous example of a seminal paper is the 1953 publication of ‘A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid’ by James D. Watson and Francis Crick in the journal Nature in which they describe the structure of DNA for the first time.

How do I find a landmark study?

Find Landmark Studies

  1. Find a literature review on your topic. Literature reviews review the literature on a particular topic, oftimes pointing out major schools of thought and landmark studies.
  2. Dissertations and Theses A&I.
  3. Search OATD.
  4. ​Search Google Scholar.

How do I find leading scholars in a field?

Specific researchers and their papers. The most prolific authors in your field….Discover top authors of Hot and Highly Cited Papers in your field

  1. Start a Topic Search.
  2. Refine your results by Hot or Highly Cited Papers (located on the left-hand side)
  3. Analyze results by author (Find out more about this here).

What is a seminal document?

A seminal document is one that, in a field of research, provides new ideas and serves as a basis for others that will develop later.

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What is a seminal source?

Seminal sources tend to be the major studies that initially presented an idea of great importance or influence within a particular discipline. These works were generally published in the past 20-50 years.

Where can I find landmark papers?

To identify landmark papers, you can also consult the bibliography of your textbook if you have already taken classes that cover (even briefly) your subfield of interest. If your textbook is one that is used by a lot of university professors, then it probably covers landmark papers well.

What is a seminal record?

adjective influential, important, ground-breaking, original, creative, productive, innovative, imaginative, formative Those beautiful tracks appear on this seminal album.

How do you find important papers in a field?