
Where did the term Stone Cold come from?

Where did the term Stone Cold come from? suggests that “stone-cold” is from the 1590s, and that “stone cold sober” is from 1937. The meaning of “stone cold” as “completely” might derive from the “stone cold sober” use.

What does the slang term Stone Cold mean?

(idiomatic) Very cold; lacking any semblance of warmth. (idiomatic) Certain; definite; obvious.

What is the meaning of stone cold sober?

Not drinking alcohol and not drunk or using drugs.

What is a stone cold fox?

stone-cold fox (plural stone-cold foxes) (slang) A very sexually attractive person.

What figurative language is stone cold?

Completely bereft of emotion or concern. Hyphenated if used as a modifier before a noun. The criminal was stone cold as she sat in the courtroom and heard the verdict being handed down. I just can’t understand how such a sweet boy could turn into a stone-cold killer like that.

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What does it mean to be wide open?

phrase. If something is wide open, it is open to its full extent.

What means stay over?

Definition of stay over : to sleep at another person’s house for the night Can she stay over tonight?

Is Stone Cold Fox an idiom?

Someone who is very attractive and appealing, usually a woman. A: “Wow, that girl is gorgeous.” B: “I know, she’s a stone cold fox.”

Is Stone Cold a metaphor?

Unfeeling, insensible, as in That sad story left her stone cold. This analogy was already used by Shakespeare in Henry V (2:3): “Cold as any stone.”

What figurative language is hold your tongue?

Answer and Explanation: Much like the phrase “bite your tongue,” another idiom, the phrase “hold your tongue” suggests that a person talking should be quiet, refrain from speaking, or stay silent. Thus, while the person might want to say something, it is in his or her best interest not to.

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What does WFO stand for?


Acronym Definition
WFO Work for Others (USACE)
WFO World Fashion Organization
WFO World Federation of Orthodontists
WFO Work from Office