
Where does Mexican fire opal come from?

Where does Mexican fire opal come from?

Fire opal is mined in the Mexican states of Queretaro, Hidalgo, Guerrero, Michoacan, Julisio, Chihuahua and San Luis Potosi. The most significant deposits were discovered in Queretaro in 1835, and are still producing today. Small quantities of this gem can also be found in Oregon and British Columbia.

Where do the best fire opals come from?

For nearly 100 years, Mexico has been the primary fire opal source in the world. Fire Opal is found in Queretaro, Hidalgo, Guerrero, Michoacan, Julisio, Chihuahua and San Luis Potosi states of Mexico. Queretaro’s mines are the most important and have been mining since 1835.

Is Mexican fire opal man made?

This includes natural gemstones such as fire opal, Mexican opal, Peruvian opal, brandy opal and more. Man-made simulated opals are manufactured in two ways. Gilson opals contain approximately 70-75\% silica (similar to natural opal) within a trade secret base of translucent plastic or resin.

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Are Mexican fire opals treated?

Opals should be treated with care; like most gems, they will shatter or crack if treated roughly.

How can you tell if a Mexican fire opal is real?

The real fire opals are that of yellow, orange, and red colors and display a distinct play-of-color. They are homogeneous when viewed from different directions, have no ordered column structure or lizard skin effect. The real fire opal comes from two countries Mexico and Ethiopia.

What is the difference between an opal and a fire opal?

The word “fire” is simply referring to the red, orange, or yellow background color. Fire opal might exhibit play-of-color, but such a display is usually weak or absent. Fire opal is simply a specimen of opal with a wonderful fire-like background color. The color is what defines the stone.

Can you get fire opals wet?

Myth: Water damages solid opals. Never clean your opal with water or get your opal wet. Fact: Solid opals cannot be damaged by getting wet. Most Australian precious opals contain around 5-6\% water, and immersing a solid opal in water will do no damage whatsoever.

Can Mexican fire opal go in water?

Moreover the formula of its chemical composition: SiO2, nH2O clearly shows that the water content of opals is very variable, it can range from 1 to 21\% for extreme values and remains between 4 and 10\% in general. The water content of an opal can be an important factor in its appearance.

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What is a Mexican fire opal?

The Mexican Fire Opal is named for its brilliant red to orange body color which is partly due to iron oxide. Mined in Mexico, this opal is lighter weight than other opal. These Mexican Fire Opals tend to have one body color and do not usually contain the flashes of light and color typical of other opals.

What is the rarest color of opal?

Black opal
Black opal is the most rare and highly valued form of opal, and has what is called a black (or dark) body tone. Black opals come in every colour of the rainbow.

Can Mexican fire opals get wet?

Mexico is the main producer of fire opal, found in volcanic areas of the country. Fire opal is an emblematic stone of Mexico because it was already used by the Aztecs with jade and turquoise for the making of symbolic artifacts and jewelry. This photo shows the rich variety of colors that opals from Mexico can take.

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What is the history of fire opals in Mexico?

Mexico has world famous fire opals that were mined from 1870 in Queretaro is Santa Maria del Iris There are still mines working around Queretaro today ,and are mostly small scale family mines

Where can I find Opals in Mexico?

In 1950 good deposits were found in the state of Jalisco,and even today you can book tours of Magdalena opal mines and visit the opal pit .some local do call Mexican opal Jalisco opal. Opals are mined in Mountain ranges, as these opals are volcanic.

Where are fire opals found?

These Brasilian Fire Opals today provide afresh accent in the fascinating world of gemstones.Mexico has the most important locations of Fire Opal in the world. The Mexican plateau with its many extinct volcanoes is threaded and veined with opaline rock.

What is the history of Opal?

For earliest people who have believed in the therapeutic control of Opal. It is stated to be able to resolve despairs and to assist its wearer to discover true love. The ancient civilizations of central America, the Aztec or Mayan considered fire opal as a stone that represented life and was created in the heavens.