
Where does the recurrent laryngeal nerve run?

Where does the recurrent laryngeal nerve run?

The vagus nerves run down into the thorax, and the recurrent laryngeal nerves run up to the larynx. The vagus nerves, from which the recurrent laryngeal nerves branch, exit the skull at the jugular foramen and travel within the carotid sheath alongside the carotid arteries through the neck.

What is a recurrent laryngeal nerve?

The recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) branches off the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) and has an indirect course through the neck. It supplies innervation to all of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx, except for the cricothyroid muscles, as well as sensation to the larynx below the level of the vocal cords.

Is the recurrent laryngeal nerve motor or sensory?

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Superiorly, sensory and motor innervation are separated by internal and external branches of the superior laryngeal nerves. Inferiorly, the sensory and motor innervation is provided by the recurrent laryngeal nerve.

Where does the superior laryngeal nerve come from?

The superior laryngeal nerve arises from the inferior ganglion and descends against the lateral wall of the pharynx, along the posterior and then medial surface of the internal carotid artery. It divides into the external and internal laryngeal nerve branches (Fig. 22.4).

Why left recurrent laryngeal nerve hooks around arch of aorta?

It communicates with the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve, and gives off a few filaments to the mucous membrane of the lower part of the larynx. As the recurrent nerve hooks around the subclavian artery or aorta, it gives off several cardiac filaments to the deep part of the cardiac plexus.

What is the difference between recurring and non recurring?

Recurring expenses are expenses incurred on account of regular, day to day business operations and are thus incurred periodically. Non-recurring expenses are expenses that are not incurred frequently and occur due to extraordinary or one-off circumstances.

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What is non recurring in nature?

Capital expenditure is the money a company spends to buy, maintain or improve its fixed assets such as building, vehicle, land etc. These expenditures are not done on regular basis. Fixed assets are purchased for a long period of time say 10 to 15 years. So, these are non-recurring in nature.