
Where is the central zoological research located?

Where is the central zoological research located?

Zoological Survey of India

The logo of Zoological Survey of India
Abbreviation ZSI
Headquarters Kolkata
Location West Bengal, India
Region served India

What are the objectives of Zoological Survey of India?

The main objective of the Centre is to conduct survey, exploration and research on the faunal diversity of estuaries, backwaters, lagoons and mangrove ecosystems of India. To develop a regional museum exhibiting the fauna of Estuaries and associated ecosystem.

What is the work of Zoological Survey of India?

Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) was established in 1916 to promote survey, exploration and research leading to advancement in knowledge of various aspects of the animal life of India.

What can you do with a PHD in zoology?

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Other Job Options with a Zoology Degree

  • Environmental consultant.
  • Animal nutritionist.
  • Science writer.
  • Environmental education officer.
  • Toxicologist.
  • Veterinary nurse.
  • Research scientist.
  • Biomedical scientist.

What’s the study of fish called?

ichthyology, scientific study of fishes, including, as is usual with a science that is concerned with a large group of organisms, a number of specialized subdisciplines: e.g., taxonomy, anatomy (or morphology), behavioral science (ethology), ecology, and physiology.

How do you write a research topic for an essay?

How to Do Research for an Excellent Essay: The Complete Guide

  1. Allow enough time.
  2. Read the essay question and thoroughly understand it.
  3. Begin with a brainstorm.
  4. Achieve a basic understanding before delving deeper.
  5. Working through your reading list.
  6. Ask a librarian.
  7. Use the index.
  8. Taking notes.