
Where is the rough endoplasmic reticulum located quizlet?

Where is the rough endoplasmic reticulum located quizlet?

Called the rough endoplasmic reticulum because it has ribosomes on the surface. It is found in both plant and animal cells. It is found in both plant and animal cells.

What is the main function of endoplasmic reticulum?

The endoplasmic reticulum can either be smooth or rough, and in general its function is to produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function.

What is rough endoplasmic reticulum quizlet?

Rough ER. Definition: The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an eukaryotic organelle that forms an interconnected network of tubules, vesicles within the cell. Function: Rough endoplasmic reticula are involved in the synthesis of proteins. Pneumonic Device: Rough ER= synthesis of proteins.

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Why is the rough ER rough quizlet?

It is called ‘rough’ endoplasmic reticulum because it is studded on its outer surface (the surface in contact with the cytosol) with ribosomes. Rough ER is found throughout the cell but the density is higher near the nucleus and the Golgi apparatus.

What proteins are made in the rough ER?

Proteins synthesized by the rough ER include the prominent milk protein casein, and whey proteins. These proteins are packaged into secretory vesicles or large micelles and travel through the Golgi network before fusing with the plasma membrane, releasing their contents into milk ducts.

Why is it called rough endoplasmic reticulum?

The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is so named for the appearance of its outer surface, which is studded with protein-synthesizing particles known as ribosomes.

What is the rough endoplasmic reticulum quizlet?

What are the three places where ribosomes occur in a cell?

Ribosomes are found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; in mitochondria, chloroplasts and bacteria.

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Where is nucleolus located?

cell nucleus
The nucleolus is a region found within the cell nucleus that is concerned with producing and assembling the cell’s ribosomes. Following assembly, ribosomes are transported to the cell cytoplasm where they serve as the sites for protein synthesis.