
Where should the left thumb be located when holding a cello bass in playing position?

Where should the left thumb be located when holding a cello bass in playing position?

In holding the cello and string bass, the thumb and forefinger form a C shape with the neck. Preferably the thumb should touch slightly toward the left side of the back of the neck rather than gripping on the right, a common error which causes many a playing problem.

What is the anatomical position of the thumb?

In anatomical position, the thumb is on the LATERAL side of the hand.

Can your fingers bleed from playing cello?

Do their fingers bleed or blister? Yes, yes, and yes. Though thankfully, bleeding occurs rarely, and much less often than the other two. In my experience, usually only after, for example, playing hard for a very long time at difficult extended gigs.

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Why does my thumb hurt when I play cello?

A common cause of a sore thumb can be an incorrectly set-up hand and arm position. To condition your thumb, try rubbing it lightly up and down the string whenever you pass by your cello. If you feel soreness when practising thumb position then stop, and leave it until the next day.

Where does thumb position start?

As a general rule, when you begin to play in thumb position, it’s a good idea to place the thumb on two strings simultaneously. For most of us, it’s best to touch the lower-pitched string with the side of the thumbnail, and the higher-pitched string at a point somewhere between the nail-bed and the knuckle.

Why do my hands hurt when I play cello?

In the case of cellists, some of the most common ailments or complaints stem from inflammation, tenderness and overuse injury in the fingers, hands and forearms. These show up via nerve pain, tendonitis, and even carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Is the thumb lateral to the pinky?

Anatomical Terms. In the anatomical position, the radius is lateral to the ulna. A simpler example is the “thumb” is lateral to the “pinky.” Medial – Closer to the midline; on the inner side.

Is the thumb lateral or medial?

For humans, the arms are in anatomical position when hanging at the sides of the body, palms forward, and the legs are in anatomical position in a normal standing posture, feet side by side. This means that the pinky side of the wrist is medial, and the thumb side is lateral.