
Where should Tnsnames ORA be located?

Where should Tnsnames ORA be located?

By default, the tnsnames. ora file is located in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

How do I access a local Oracle database from another computer?

4.4 Connecting to an Oracle Database from a Client Computer

  1. (UNIX, Linux, or Windows systems) Open a command window and enter the following command: sqlplus.
  2. (Windows systems only) Click Start, select Programs (or All Programs), then Oracle – HOME_NAME, then Application Development, and then SQL*Plus.

How do I find my Oracle database server?


  1. PL/SQL, TNS versions using with Oracle. SELECT * FROM v$version;
  2. Which version of oracle you are running. SELECT * FROM v$version WHERE banner LIKE ‘Oracle\%’;
  3. Or, in more readable way. SELECT * FROM product_component_version;
  4. Db Name.
  5. Db IP Address.
  6. Db Host Name.
  7. Client IP Address.
  8. Db Host Name.
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How does Oracle connect to autonomous database?

Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console

  1. Open the navigation menu.
  2. Choose your Compartment.
  3. In the list of Autonomous Databases, click on the display name of the database you are interested in.
  4. Click DB Connection.
  5. In the Download Client Credentials (Wallet) section, select the Wallet Type.

Where is ORACLE_HOME located?

On Windows platforms, the Oracle Home (contains Oracle database products) location is defined in the system environment variable called EPM_ORACLE_HOME (contains all Oracle products) and the default location is C:/Oracle/Middleware/PMSystem11R1 . Middleware contains products such as WebLogic.

Where do I put the Tnsnames Ora file in Oracle client?

Place the tnsnames. ora file in the ORACLE_HOME \network\admin directory, and ensure that the ORACLE_HOME environment has been set to this Oracle home.

How do I find the Oracle server name?

You can use sys_context(‘USERENV’, ‘SERVICE_NAME’) to get the database service name instead of the machine name.

How do I find the name of my SQL Server database?

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Getting the Name of the Server and Databases in SQL Server.

How do I download autonomous database credentials?

Navigate to the Service Console.

  1. Navigate to the Service Console. From the Action Menu click Autonomous Data Warehouse.
  2. Select the Compartment and click on the ADW Name.
  3. Click DB Connection. Click Download.
  4. Add a Password and Click Download. Click Save.
  5. Summary.