
Which book is best for SSC CGL mains?

Which book is best for SSC CGL mains?

SSC CGL Books For English

Name of Book Author Publisher
English For General Competition Neetu Singh KD Publication
A Mirror of Common Errors Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis Goyal
SSC English Ajay K Singh MB Publication

How can I prepare for CGL mains?

How to Prepare for SSC CGL Tier 2? Grab the Effective Preparation Strategy

  1. Knowledge of Syllabus and Pattern.
  2. Analyze and Make Study Plan.
  3. Manage Your Time.
  4. Prepare Handbook or Notes.
  5. Solve Easy Question First.
  6. Regularly Give Mocks and Practice Previous Papers.

How can I get full marks in SSC English?

How to Prepare & Score Maximum Marks in SSC CGL English

  1. Reading Comprehension/ Cloze Test – 5 questions (10 marks)
  2. Fill in the Banks – 2 questions (4 Marks)
  3. Full List of Idiom & Phrases Quiz: Attempt Now.
  4. (i) Read the statement carefully and choose the word from the options which is suitable for the answer.
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How many questions are there in CGL mains?

Highlights of SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2021-22

Particulars SSC CGL Exam Highlights
Number of questions Tier 1: 100 Tier 2: 500 Tier 3: 1
Type of questions Tier 1: MCQs Tier 2: MCQs Tier 3: Descriptive
Total marks Tier 1: 200 Tier 2: 800 Tier 3: 100 Tier 4: Qualifying in nature

What level of maths comes in SSC CGL?

The four major topics of the advanced mathematics section of SSC CGL’s Quantitative Aptitude are Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry and Algebra. After a thorough analysis of Previous years SSC CGL question papers, we discovered that questions from topics under Advanced Mathematics are repeated year after year.