
Which country is famous for which fruit?

Which country is famous for which fruit?

World Top Ten Countries With Most Fruits Production

Country 2013
Production (Million Tonnes)
China 154.364
India 82.632
Brazil 37.774

Which country is famous for fruits and vegetables?

China is the largest fruit production country in the world that measured with 204.023 quantity.

What fruits and vegetables are native to Africa?

In southern Africa, a greater variety of fruits and vegetables abound. Fruits and vegetables include bananas, pineapples, pawpaw (papaya), mangoes, avocados, tomatoes, carrots, onions, potatoes, and cabbage.

What vegetables are native to the United States?

10 Foods Native to the Americas

  • Squash. As one of the “Three Sisters,” three main agricultural crops native to North America (along with beans and corn), squash varieties come in different shapes and sizes.
  • Corn (Maize)
  • Avocados.
  • Peppers.
  • Potatoes.
  • Beans.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Tomatillos.
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What fruit is grown in the most countries?

The most produced fruit in the world, measured by quantity, are watermelons with 97.763.

What fruits and vegetables are imported from other countries?

2 Fruits and Nuts The list of fruits that are frequently imported from these countries include produce like bananas, pineapples, avocados, apples, honeydew melons, blueberries, cantaloupe, mangoes, nectarines and lemons. Importing fruit items from other countries can be more cost-effective because of lower labor costs.

Which fruit is native to Europe?

The Origin of Cultivated Fruits and Vegetables

Source Fruits Vegetables
Europe (Western) Gooseberry * Cabbage
Europe (Eastern) Apple Endive Lettuce

What fruit is native to the USA?


Cereals Maize (corn), maygrass, and little barley
Fruits Tomatoes, chili peppers, avocados, cranberries, black raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, elderberries, huckleberries, cherimoyas, papayas, pawpaws, passionfruit, pineapples, red raspberries, soursops and strawberries
Melons Squashes

Is a carrot a fruit or a vegetable?

Any thing that grows on a plant and is the means by which that plant gets its seeds out into the world is a fruit. Carrots and potatoes and parsnips and the like are of course still vegetables; they are the edible part of the plant, not its reproductive body.

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What fruits and vegetables grow in the southern United States?

Traditional Southern Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Sweet Potato Peaches Pokeweed Cantaloupe Turnip roots Kale Oranges Watermelon Mustard greens Huckleberries String Beans Plums Oranges Collard greens Apples Okra Mayhaw Spinach Turnip Greens

Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

The tomato plant is a seed plant—it bears seeds—and the tomato that grows from it is an edible reproductive body; the seeds within the tomato are the means by which the tomato plant reproduces. A tomato isn’t sweet like an apple, but the definition doesn’t require it to be in order to qualify as a fruit.

What are the 10 fruits and vegetables in alphabetical order?

Alphabetical List of Fruits and Vegetables. 1 Apricots. 2 Cantaloupes. 3 Carrots. 4 Collard greens. 5 Hot chili peppers. 6 Leaf lettuce. 7 Romaine lettuce. 8 Mangos. 9 Nectarines. 10 Peaches.