
Which gates can be used as an enable/disable circuit?

Which gates can be used as an enable/disable circuit?

AND and OR gates can both be used to enable or disable a transmitted waveform. For a two input AND gate, one input is the signal and the other input is the enable pulse. The enable of an AND gate is high active.

Which pin used when gate enable and disable?

This is typically achieved by using an OR gate, using one input as the Disable and the other as the signal input. Devices that have an Output Enable, or OE pin, will typically place their outputs into a high impedance state.

What is active high and active low in decoder?

This means the output is active low. That just means that when the output is active it has a logic low value, rather than a logic high. The decoder works as you would expect with the addition that if the active low enable input is high, all the active low outputs are high regardless of the A inputs.

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What is enable/disable called?

If I’m writing functions that enable or disable something depending some other data, I usually call them “ToggleXXX”.

What does enable and disable mean?

In simple terms: Enable = To turn On. Disable = To Turn Off. When you turn on a feature you enable it. When you turn a feature off you disable it.

How do I make input type button disabled?

Using Javascript

  1. Disabling a html button document. getElementById(“Button”). disabled = true;
  2. Enabling a html button document. getElementById(“Button”). disabled = false;
  3. Demo Here.

Is disable the opposite of Enable?

“The government feared that increased taxes would prevent businesses from hiring more staff.”…What is the opposite of enable?

deactivate disable
neutralizeUS end
decommission cut out

What is enable disable?