
Which is the closest rival to Oracle database?

Which is the closest rival to Oracle database?

Top 10 Oracle Database Alternatives & Competitors

  • IBM Db2.
  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • Amazon Aurora.
  • Azure SQL Database.
  • Microsoft SQL Server.
  • PostgreSQL.
  • SQLite.

What is ONS service in Oracle RAC?

Oracle Notification Service (ONS) allows for Oracle RAC to communicate the status for the nodes, which are typically UP and DOWN events, to the Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP). Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) is a feature that was introduced in Oracle 10gR2.

Can Oracle database be hacked?

A security researcher claims the company’s databases are vulnerable to brute-force attacks because of an authentication flaw. A researcher showed today that Oracle’s databases could be hacked with brute-force attacks using only the database’s name and a username, according to Kaspersky Lab Security News.

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What is scalability in Oracle RAC?

A RAC database system provides excellent scalability options for the users. Once the cluster is physically expanded, it is relatively easy for the Oracle instance to be created and added into the RAC database system. Addition of another instance creates the opportunity to support a large number of concurrent users.

What are Oracle alternatives?

Competitors and Alternatives to Oracle

  • Microsoft.
  • IBM.
  • MongoDB.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • SAP.
  • Google.
  • MariaDB.
  • Cloudera.

What is ora ons?

The Oracle Notification Service (ONS) daemon is an daemon started by the CRS clusterware as part of the nodeapps.

What is ONS configuration?

ONS ( ons. jar ) is included as part of the Oracle Client software. ONS can be configured using either remote configuration or client-side ONS daemon configuration. Remote configuration is the preferred configuration for standalone client applications.

Is port 1521 Secure?

Port 1521 is the default client connections port, however, you can configure another TCP port via the Oracle configuration and administration tools. The default SSL port for secured Oracle client connections to the database via the Oracle’s SQL*Net protocol. Open this port if you need secure connection.