
Which is the longest river Canada?

Which is the longest river Canada?

Longest Rivers in Canada

  • The Mackenzie River is the longest in Canada and the second longest in North America, after the Mississippi.
  • In Canada, the Yukon River and its headwaters traverse the territories of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Tutchone, Tagish and Tlingit.

Is the Yukon river the longest river in Canada?

At 3,185 km (1,149 km of which lie in Canada), the Yukon River is the fifth-longest river in North America. At 3,185 km (1,149 km of which lie in Canada), the Yukon River is the fifth-longest river in North America….Yukon River.

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Published Online October 16, 2006
Last Edited April 25, 2016

What are the 2 main rivers in Canada?


# Name Length
1 Mackenzie River 4,241 km 2,635 mi
2 Yukon River 3,185 km 1,979 mi
3 Saint Lawrence River 3,058 km 1,900 mi
4 Nelson River 2,575 km 1,600 mi

What is the main river in Canada?

Canada’s major rivers based on discharge The Saint Lawrence River is the largest river in Canada based on the volume of water that flows through the river per second. However, the Mackenzie River system, located in the Northwest Territories is the longest river in Canada at about 4,240 kilometers.

What is the name of the Canadian river that represents the second longest river system in North America?

The Mackenzie River system
The Mackenzie River system, 4,241 km long, is the second largest in North America after the Mississippi River. The Mackenzie River runs northwest through the Northwest Territories, from Great Slave Lake to the Beaufort Sea.

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Where is the Mackenzie River in Canada?

Northwest Territories
Canada’s Mackenzie River, the country’s longest, spills out of Great Slave Lake, just north of the border between Alberta and Northwest Territories. The river flows northwest, skirting the northern ranges of the Rocky Mountains before widening into a marshy, lake-dotted delta.

Is the Yukon river dammed?

The river has since been dammed south of Whitehorse for hydroelectric power; the rapids are buried under the reservoir lake, and deep water fills the former canyon. The Alaskan mountain ranges and the Mackenzie and Yukon river basins and their drainage networks.

What is the name of Canada’s deepest lake?

The Great Slave Lake
The Great Slave Lake with a depth of 2,015 feet is the deepest lake in Canada, located in the east-central Fort Smith region, Northwest Territories, near the Alberta border.

Where is the Fraser River in Canada?

British Columbia
Fraser River/Province

The Fraser River is the longest river in British Columbia, stretching 1,375 km. It begins on the western side of the Rocky Mountains at Mount Robson Provincial Park, and ends in the Strait of Georgia at Vancouver.

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Where is the Yukon River?

The Yukon River originates in the coastal mountains of Canada and flows 1,979 miles in a wide arc to the Bering Sea. The river flows northwest through Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve for 128 miles.

What river runs through Whitehorse?

Yukon River
Yukon River, major North American river that flows through the central Yukon territory of northwestern Canada and the central region of the U.S. state of Alaska. It measures 1,980 miles (3,190 km) from the headwaters of the McNeil River (a tributary of the Nisutlin River).