
Which is used to read a text file in Java?

Which is used to read a text file in Java?

Note: There are many available classes in the Java API that can be used to read and write files in Java: FileReader, BufferedReader, Files, Scanner, FileInputStream, FileWriter, BufferedWriter, FileOutputStream , etc.

How do you read and write the content in a file in Java?

Reading and Writing text file in Java

  1. BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(Reader in, int size);
  2. public class BufferedWriter extends Writer.
  3. public class FileWriter extends OutputStreamWriter.

How do you read a file and write to another file in Java?

Simple Program

  1. import*;
  2. class file1 {
  3. public static void main(String arg[]) {
  4. File inf = new File(“in.dat”);
  5. File outf = new File(“out.dat”);
  6. FileReader ins = null;
  7. FileWriter outs = null;
  8. try {
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How do you read and write bytes in java?

Reading Bytes – classes

  1. FileInputStream- This stream reads raw bytes from a file.
  2. ObjectInputStream- This class is used to read objects written using ObjectOutputStream.
  3. PipedInputStream- A unix ‘pipe’ like implementation can be accomplished using this class.
  4. BufferedInputStream- This is probably the most used class.

Can you read and write to the same file in java?

The folder or directory the file exist doesn’t matter in this case as the program will create a new file named “criteria. txt” in the same folder as the java program; however, you will have to open the file with a text editor to add/ append some data as the file will be blank initially.

Can you read and write to the same file in Java?

How do you read from a file and write to another file?

There are two approaches to do so: Using loops to read and copy content from one file to another….Method 2: Using File methods

  1. Creating/opening an output file in writing mode.
  2. Opening the input file in reading mode.
  3. Reading each line from the input file and writing it in the output file.
  4. Closing the output file.