
Which MBTI type read the most?

Which MBTI type read the most?

According to My Surveys, These are the Types That Read the Most Books:

  • #1 – INFPs. According to the MBTI® Manual, INFPs are overrepresented in preferring reading as a leisure-time activity.
  • #2 – INFJs.
  • #3 – INTPs.
  • #4 – ISTJs.
  • #5 – ISFJs.
  • #6 – INTJs.
  • #7 – ENFJs.
  • #8 – ENTJs.

Which MBTI types are most competitive?

Commanders (ENTJ) proved to be the most competitive of all personality types, with 89\% agreeing. Commanders love few things more than a grand challenge, and when they compete they become unstoppable – at times, perhaps a little too unstoppable.

What personality types get along best?

Here are a few of the Key Personality Types That Work Well Together

  • ISTJ + ESTP. ISTJ personalities are ultra-organized problem-solvers who thrive in fact-based work.
  • INTP + INTJ. Both INTP and INTJ delight in highly conceptual work.
  • ENFP + INFJ.
  • ENTJ + ISTP.
  • ISFP + ESFP.
  • ENTP + ENFJ.
  • ISFJ + INFP.
  • ESFJ + ESTJ.
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Is this MBTI study worth being skeptical about?

One thing worth being skeptical about with respect to the validity of this study is that its breakdown of MBTI type by population is incongruous with other much larger studies done on type by population.

What is the most hated MBTI type?

What Each MBTI Type is Most Hated For. 1 ISTP: Their lack of interest in how people are Feeling. ISTPs prefer to express their love and affections in tactile ways. A hearty embrace, a tender 2 ISFP: For Weird and Eccentric Behavior. 3 INFP: Looking Like a Sour Puss. 4 INFJ: Self-Righteous Rage. 5 ENFP: Being Flaky and Unreliable.

What are your Myers Briggs personality types hated for most?

Here is an unofficial look at what each Myers Briggs personality type gets hated for most. ISTP: Their lack of interest in how people are Feeling. ISTPs prefer to express their love and affections in tactile ways. A hearty embrace, a tender caress, a casual snuggle, a spontaneous massage.

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What type of Education major has the highest retention rate?

According to the MBTI® Manual, ESFJs are the most frequent type among education majors and the highest in college retention. In a survey I conducted about type and education preferences, ESFJs chose public school as their preferred environment for learning.