
Which memory is volatile?

Which memory is volatile?

The correct answer is RAM. Volatile memory is a computer memory that loses its data when the computer is turned off. RAM is a volatile memory.

Is Main memory is volatile or nonvolatile?

Difference between Volatile Memory and Non-Volatile Memory

S.NO Volatile Memory
1. Volatile memory is the type of memory in which data is lost as it is powered-off.
2. Contents of Volatile memory is stored temporarily.
3. It is faster than non-volatile memory.
4. RAM(Random Access Memory) is an example of volatile memory.

Which memory is volatile primary or secondary?

Primary Memory Vs Secondary Memory

Parameter Primary Memory
Nature The primary memory is categorized as volatile & nonvolatile memories.
Alias These memories are also called internal memory.
Access Data is directly accessed by the processing unit.

What is primary memory secondary memory?

Primary memory is the main memory of the computer which can be directly accessed by the central processing unit, whereas secondary memory refers to the external storage device which can be used to store data or information permanently. …

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Is primary memory volatile?

What is Primary Memory? Primary Memory is the main memory of the computer system. Accessing data from primary memory is faster because it is an internal memory of the computer. The primary memory is most volatile, meaning data in primary memory does not exist if it is not saved when a power failure occurs.

Is primary storage volatile?

The two main types of primary storage are ROM, which is non-volatile , and RAM, which is volatile . Volatile memory loses its contents when power is lost. Primary storage is comparatively limited in size, especially when compared with secondary storage .