
Which method is better force method or displacement method?

Which method is better force method or displacement method?

In displacement based method, we assume displacements and rotations as unknowns and solve them. Then we calculate forces and moments from them. This method is better if kinematic indeterminacy is less than static indeterminacy.

Which of the method is more suitable for computer implementation of structural analysis problem?

As one of the methods of structural analysis, the direct stiffness method, also known as the matrix stiffness method, is particularly suited for computer-automated analysis of complex structures including the statically indeterminate type.

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Why force method of analysis is not convenient for computer programming?

The force method of analysis is not convenient for computer programming as the choice of redundant is not unique. Further, the bandwidth of the flexibility matrix in the force method is much larger than the stiffness method. However it is very useful for hand computation.

Which method is force method in structural analysis?

The force method (also called the flexibility method or method of consistent deformation ) is used to calculate reactions and internal forces in statically indeterminate structures due to loads and imposed deformations.

Which of the following not the displacement method?

Detailed Solution

Force Method Displacement Method
1. Unknowns are taken redundant forces/reactions. 1. Unknowns are taken displacement
2. To find unknown forces or redundant compatibility equations are written. 2. To find unknown displacement joint Equilibrium conditions are written.

Why is stiffness method called displacement method write down the relationship between force and displacement method?

Stiffness Method In the stiffness method, displacements (rather than forces) are taken as the unknown quantities. For this reason, the method is also called the displacement method.

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What is the importance of structural analysis in designing a structure?

Structural analysis is important as it provides a basis for structural design and also it evaluates whether a specific structural design will be able to withstand external and internal stresses and forces. The structural analysis helps to determine the cause of a structural failure.

Which one of the following is force method?

Detailed Solution

Force Methods Displacement Methods
Example: 1. Method of consistent deformation 2. The Theorem of Three Moments 3. Column analogy method 4. Flexibility matrix method 5. Castigliano’s Theorem Example: 1. Slope deflection method 2. Moment distribution method 3. Kani’s method 4. Stiffness matrix method

Which of the following is unknown in displacement method of analysis?

3. Which of the following is unknown in this method? Explanation: Displacements are unknown in this method. They are found using stiffness coefficients.