
Which one is correct in Monday or on Monday?

Which one is correct in Monday or on Monday?

Both are correct but they mean different things. To be back by Monday means not later than Monday but it could be Saturday or Sunday or any other day previous to Monday. To be back on Monday means on that day and not before or after. As to why it’s because that’s what the prepositions signify.

Is it correct to say on a Monday?

RULE: Use the plural form of a day of the week when you talk about it in general, when the fact repeats. INCORRECT: I always work on Monday. CORRECT: I always work on Mondays. Notice that the sentence contains a verb in the Simple Present and an adverb of frequency.

Is it OK than or then?

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The way to keep the pair straight is to focus on this basic difference: than is used when you’re talking about comparisons; then is used when you’re talking about something relating to time. Than is the word to choose in phrases like smaller than, smoother than, and further than.

Why do we say Mondays?

Monday gets its name from the Anglo-Saxon word “mondandaeg” which translates to “the moon’s day.” The second day of the week in Nordic cultures was devoted to worshipping the goddess of the moon. Girls born on Mondays were given the name Mona in Ancient Britain, as it was the Old English word for moon.

Where do you put then?

Some one-syllable adverbs of time such as soon, now and then, go before the main verb, but after the auxiliary verb or verb to be. One of the examples is: She then told him what happened.

What is this word then?

Definition of then (Entry 1 of 3) 1 : at that time. 2a : soon after that : next in order of time walked to the door, then turned. b : following next after in order of position, narration, or enumeration : being next in a series first came the clowns, and then came the elephants.

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How do you spell then?

The best trick to remember the difference between than and then is to focus on the letters that are different – ‘a’ and ‘e’. Than is used for comparison, and both than and comparison have the letter ‘a’ in their spellings. Then is used for time, and both then and time have the letter ‘e’ in their spellings.

Is it Tuesdays or Tuesdays?

The plural of Tuesday is Tuesdays as in “There are five Tuesdays in January.” or “It is my habit to go to the gym on Tuesdays.” The possessive of Tuesday is Tuesday’s as in “What is for lunch on Tuesday’s menu?” or “The budget is on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting.” The plural of the days don’t use apostrophes.