
Which should I buy Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire?

Which should I buy Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire?

Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby are no different. There are story changes, version exclusive creatures, and, of course, two very cool cover designs to pick from. Most players simply pick the game based on their favorite color of the two or their favorite Legendary out of the two game mascots.

Is Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire worth it?

If you have played the X and Y version, there is genuinely no difference between Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. If you want to compare to the original, then the gameplay is more enjoyable, especially when UI is revamped and more 3d orientated.

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Is Pokemon Sapphire better than Ruby?

Base your decision on the Legendary availability. The biggest difference between Ruby and Sapphire is which of the two main Legendary Pokémon you want to get. Ruby players get Groudon, while Sapphire players get Kyogre. Emerald allows you to get both, while also making a number of significant changes to the base game.

Is Pokemon Omega Ruby the same as Alpha Sapphire?

Pokemon games are commonly released as a set of two slightly different titles, and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are no different. They’re basically the same game –this time, the role-playing adventure takes place in the Hoenn region of the Pokemon world, and the protagonist is from Littleroot Town.

Does Pokemon Omega Ruby have mega evolutions?

Mega Evolution is a special type of evolution that can only be performed by a small group of Pokemon in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. For a Pokemon to Mega Evolve, you must give a specific Mega Stone to the Pokemon.

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Is Pokemon Omega Ruby a remake?

Pokémon Omega Ruby (Japanese: ポケットモンスター オメガルビー Pocket Monsters Omega Ruby) and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Japanese: ポケットモンスター アルファサファイア Pocket Monsters Alpha Sapphire) are the second and final paired Generation VI games that are enhanced remakes of the third-generation titles Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.

What is the difference between Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Omega Ruby?

The main difference is that in Omega Ruby you’ll be fighting Team Magma, while in Alpha Sapphire your rival is Team Aqua which slightly changes the events of the narrative. Also, a number of Pokemon are exclusive to each version of the game. But otherwise, you’ll get a full experience, whichever game you pick.

Can you get Mewtwo in Pokemon Omega Ruby?

Players have searched high and low looking for this elusive being, but sadly, to no avail. It turns out that you can’t actually catch a Mewtwo in Omega and Alpha, but thankfully, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get it. There are two different methods here that you can use to get one: Transfer and Trade.

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Can you get Charmander in Omega Ruby?

It is not possible to find charizard, charmelean or charmander in Pokémon omega ruby and alpha sapphire. In order to get it you can trade from a different Pokémon game namely SilverSoul, GoldHeart, FireRed or LeafGreen.