
Which side of the bed should husband and wife sleep?

Which side of the bed should husband and wife sleep?

Important tips for sleeping direction The husband should be on the right side of the bed, and the wife should be on the left. If you get up multiple times every night, then you should improve the sleeping environment.

Which side husband should sleep Vastu?

For a smooth marital relationship, the wife should prefer sleeping on the left side of the bed, while the husband should sleep on the right side. To have harmony in your marriage, always use a single bed mattress on your double bed.

Is South-East bedroom good for couples?

According to Vastu Shastra, the bedroom of a married couple should never be in South-East direction. Having room in this direction causes disagreements between husband and wife for no reason. Due to which there is estrangement between the two and they keep trying to focus on each other’s shortcomings.

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Can couples keep pictures in bed?

According to Vastu for bedroom for married couples, pictures in your bedroom can affect your relationship with your spouse. As per Vastu, place family pictures in the south west direction. If you have wedding pictures or any other couple pictures place them on the east wall.

How can I sleep with my husband after marriage?

Things are about to get personal.

  1. Spooning. A classic position, spooning is when one partner takes a protective, intimate stance behind the other as the second person leans their back or behind against them.
  2. Chasing Spoon.
  3. Loose Spoon.
  4. Back to Back.
  5. Front to Front.
  6. Sweetheart Cradle.
  7. Head on Other’s Shoulder.
  8. Leg Hug.

Can we sleep in South-east bedroom?

According to the Vastu Shastra, this is related to the fire element. Sleeping with head in South-east direction can cause diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes etc. Therefore, the bedroom should be avoided to be constructed in this direction.

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Which wall is good for couple photo?

The best place to hang these pictures is the South-West wall, as this placement increases bond and harmony between the relationships.

How can I attract my love as per Vastu?

Vastu home tips to attract love

  1. To attract love towards you, keep an artifact or painting of love birds in the South-west area of your home.
  2. If you have blue painted south-facing walls, change the paint immediately, as blue hampers the flow of love.