
Who can defeat Komodo Dragon?

Who can defeat Komodo Dragon?

The Honey Badger is among the fiercest, most fearless animals on the planet. It’s speed, mobility, aggression and fighting prowess would likely find a way to defeat the bigger, slower Komodo Dragon.

What’s bigger Komodo Dragon or crocodile?

Although the Komodo dragon (V. komodoensis) is larger by weight, fully grown crocodile monitors are longer, reach up to 5 meters (about 16 feet) in length from snout to tail.

Who would win a Komodo Dragon or a crocodile?

The crocodile by far is superior due to its ability to hunt on land and water, along with bone crushing jaws. The Komodo has shear like teeth, good for tearing and shredding their prey but their teeth length would only give the crocodile abrasions even if the Komodo manages to pierce the skin.

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Who would win a tiger or Komodo Dragon?

If they come face to face and Dragon couldn’t bite then tiger can kill it with one quick bite. However, any small bite of dragon will infect the tiger and it will take 7–10 days for the toxic bacteria to weaken the tiger. Thus tiger will die a painful death (in 7–10 days) and dragon will die a quick death.

Who are komodos predators?

Due to the fact that the Komodo Dragon is the most dominant predator in its environment, mature adults have no natural predators in their native habitats. The smaller and more vulnerable young however, seem to have adapted to spending their initial days in the trees to avoid being eaten by larger Komodo Dragons.

Who would win Komodo dragon or lion?

An adult tiger or lion would kill a komodo dragon very easily… however if bitten the cat would likely succumb to bacteria and toxins from the dragon— this would take a while to happen a the dragon would be long gone.

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What’s more vicious alligator or crocodile?

While they do share many of the same features, they couldn’t be any more different to a trained professional. Typically, crocodiles are more aggressive than alligators, which makes crocodiles more dangerous than alligators.

Who would win a Komodo dragon or a lion?

Are Komodo dragons bulletproof?

Without doubt, one of the coolest living animals on the planet is the Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis, a giant flesh-eating lizard that kills water buffalo, eats children, has venom glands, and is impervious to bullets (ok, I made that last bit up).