
Who defeated tier Harribel?

Who defeated tier Harribel?

Tier Harribel (ティア・ハリベル, Tia Hariberu), was an Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen’s army, and is the former Espada Tres (Three). After her defeat at the hands of Aizen during her battle with then Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, she was subsequently healed by Orihime Inoue at the end of the Winter War and returned to Hueco Mundo.

What happens to Tier Harribel?

During the battle for Karakura Town, Aizen eventually strikes Halibel down in frustration, and she plummets to the earth. Did she die? No, she survived and escaped, later becoming Hueco Mundo’s de facto queen.

Did Toshiro beat Harribel?

Outcome. Tōshirō Hitsugaya is victorious.

Who killed Espada Number 3?

Harribel being struck down by Aizen. However, with the deaths of Stark and Baraggan, Aizen deemed the 3rd Espada to be of no more use to as Harribel found herself slashed across the torso before she could react.

Who is the third Espada?

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Notable Members

Rank Name Zanpakutō
Tres (3rd) Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Gamuza
Tres (3rd) Tier Harribel Tiburón
Cuatro (4th) Ulquiorra Cifer† Murciélago

Who saves Harribel?

Appearances in Other Media

Video Game Appearances
Blade Battlers Blade Battlers 2nd The 3rd Phantom
Heat the Soul 4 Heat the Soul 5 Soul Carnival
Hanatareshi Yabou Bleach Advance: Kurenai ni Somaru Soul Society J-Stars Victory Vs
Paradise Lost Jump Force

Who killed Espada Number 2?

Determined to fulfill that vow and not die alone, Baraggan threw his Gran Caída past Hachi towards Aizen, screaming that he would kill him. However, the weapon dissipated before it even reached Aizen, who turned his back on the 2nd Espada as he completely disintegrated.

Who defeated Barragan?

Barragan was there to help invade Karakura Town, and he nearly defeated Captain Soi Fon and her Lieutenant until Hachigen Ushoda, the one of the Visored, interfered and slew Barragan by turning his own power against him. Barragan controls time, in the sense that all things rot and die around him.

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