
Who is a loquacious person?

Who is a loquacious person?

Loquacious is an adjective we use to describe someone who talks easily, fluently, and a lot.

Is loquacious a positive word?

Loquacious almost always holds a negative connotation, thus making it a more precise word than talkative. A loquacious person is someone who is constantly speaking, often an incessant amount. A loquacious speech, on the other hand, would imply the speech is unnecessarily verbose.

What is a loquacious mood?

adjective. talking or tending to talk much or freely; talkative; chattering; babbling; garrulous: a loquacious dinner guest.

Is it bad to be loquacious?

While talking is not a bad thing, being too talkative is. Fostering new relationships and maintaining the ones you have means learning when to speak and especially when not to. To do this, you may need to practice some basic skills. People will begin to respect you as a speaker in no time at all.

How will you deal with the loquacious guest?

The following are a few steps on how to avoid being badgered by a talkative customer.

  1. Ask to the point questions.
  2. Remain focused.
  3. Listen to them carefully and promise action.
  4. Drive the conversation.
  5. Be honest.
  6. Using analytics to differentiate customer service.
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What does Orutund mean?

1 : marked by fullness, strength, and clarity of sound : sonorous an orotund voice. 2 : pompous, bombastic an orotund speech.

How do you handle mistaken customers?

Here are five ways to handle these conversations tactfully:

  1. Don’t make the customer wrong. There’s a world of difference between the customer being wrong and you making them wrong.
  2. Ask questions.
  3. Give examples.
  4. Make a recommendation.
  5. Add extra value.

How do I interrupt a call?

Fortunately, there are a few helpful tactics you can use to interrupt someone — without seeming like a conversational steamroller.

  1. Ask for permission to jump in.
  2. Apologize for the interruption.
  3. Chime in with a relevant point.
  4. Lay ground rules from the beginning.

What is an example of loquacious?

adjective. Extremely talkative or wordy; tending to talk frequently, continuously, or for long periods of time. Eager to speak and sociable, often overly so.