
Who is a public servant in India?

Who is a public servant in India?

-Every person employed or engaged by any public body in the conduct and supervision of any examination recognised or approved under any law.

Is Chief Minister a public servant under IPC?

2.1 Minister or Chief Minister to be Public Servant : A Chief Minister or a Minister are in the pay of the Government and are, therefore, public servants within the meaning of S. 21(12) of the I.P.C. See : M.

Who are public servants according to IPC?

The words “public servant” denote a person falling under any of the descriptions hereinafter following, namely:

  • ***
  • Every Commissioned Officer in the Military, Naval or Air Forces of India;
  • Every Judge including any person empowered by law to discharge, whether by himself or as a member of any body of persons.
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Who is not the public servant as per the Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code?

Applying these two tests it has been held in the instant case that a Municipal Councillor who is not assisting a public servant is not a public servant within the meaning of Section 21, because he does not owe his appointment to any governmental authority.

Which one is not a public servant?

Page 1 of 3 ACT: Indian Penal Code, 1860, Sec. 21 – “Public Servant” and “Municipal Councillor” – Distinction between – Municipal Councillor is not a “Public Servant”.

Who is public servant in law?

—Every officer whose duty it is, as such officer to take, receive, keep or expend any property on behalf of the Government or to make any survey, assessment or contract on behalf of the Government or to execute any revenue process or to investigate, or to report on any matter affecting the pecuniary interests of the …

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What is meant by public servant?

A public servant is a person who is appointed or elected to a public office, for example working for a local or state government.

Are police a public servants?

More exactly that ‘technically’ the police are not public servants. That a police constable is a servant of the crown – as are many civil servants – does not mean that they are also not public servants. Crown servants – and others employed by the state in whatever legal form – are public servants.

Is police officer a public servant?

After all, the police officer is also a public servant. In such a case, what one must do is register a FIR against that police officer in a police station.

Is civil judge public servant?

Judges are not civil servants, in any country where the Rule of Law is applied, therefore Judges are considered PUBLIC SERVANTS, for they serve the Public on behalf of the Government. Whereas, a Civil servant has the duty to formulate policies, make Laws and execute them with the daily contact of the Government.