
Who is best in data science?

Who is best in data science?

Top 10 Data Scientists in the World

  • Randy Lao. If you’re an aspiring data scientist, this is the one data scientist you need to follow.
  • Alex Sandy Pentland.
  • Kyle McKiou.
  • Geoffrey Hinton.
  • Kate Starchnyi.
  • Jeff Hammerbacher.
  • Dean Abbott.
  • Andriy Burkov.

Why data science is getting popular?

Data Science is derived from that demand. Through the way of mathematics, a phenomenon that is hidden after a large amount of data is excavated. By learning and use of these phenomena, many of our daily lives can be quickly addressed. Another way to make data science more comprehensible: we think of data as a language.

Who do you think has the greatest contribution in the existence of data science?

1. Geoffrey Hinton. Geoffrey Hilton is called the Godfather of Deep Learning in the field of data science.

How do you explain data science?

Data science defined Data science encompasses preparing data for analysis, including cleansing, aggregating, and manipulating the data to perform advanced data analysis. Analytic applications and data scientists can then review the results to uncover patterns and enable business leaders to draw informed insights.

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What is data scientist coursera?

At Coursera, our Data Science team is helping to build the future of education through data-driven decision making and data-powered products. We drive product and business strategy through measurement, experimentation, and causal inference.

What’s it like being a data scientist?

Crave problem-solving – Data Scientists require a knack for problem-solving. Most of the problems businesses would face would be unique to them and it would take a smart solver to solve them. Enjoy deep research – A great data scientist is always digging deep to understand the hidden secrets of data.

Why is data science a growing career field?

The demand for skilled professionals in the field of data science has grown remarkably owing to the urgent need for strategic decision-making tailored for specific regions. Organizations are looking to create a skilled talent pool that can provide technical expertise and move faster in the competitive environment.