
Who is better Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot?

Who is better Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot?

They are both wonderful Agatha Christie creations, but there is more humour in both Hercule Poirot’s personality and many of the stories in which he appears. In my opinion, it is these very idiosyncrasies that give Hercule Poirot the edge over Jane Marple as far as ‘readability’ is concerned.

Who is the greatest detective in the world?

Arthur Conan Doyle may have created the best-known detective in history (with 60 stories and novels to his name, plus dozens of TV adaptations and movies), but an American author got there first.

Is Sherlock Holmes the greatest detective in the world?

Sherlock Holmes is, undoubtedly, the better of the two and the greatest detective in the world. I will give you my reasons. First, let me contradict the arguments which the HP fans have so considerately put up in favor of Monsieur Poirot.

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What are the similarities between Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot?

While Holmes was a master at reading physical and materialistic evidences and clues, Poirot aced in identifying the thought processes of a person – by cleverly using psychology, intuition and by reading between the lines he speaks during a conversation. This trait in Poirot has always amazed me.

What do you think is the most impressive skill Sherlock Holmes had?

Deduction skills – Sherlock was a master at this art and he could read a person just from a casual glance. It is indeed impressive. But for me, the WOW factor of a deduction comes when the detective spots something that you really cannot see/feel. And that one thing is your thoughts.

Were there any clues in Poirot’s cases?

There must be and there were forensic clues in Poirot’s cases. Moreover, Holmes wasn’t solely dependent on forensics. That was his forte just as it was psychology for Poirot. Holmes was very flexible and versatile as a detective, maybe not as a person but it was the opposite with Poirot.