
Who is second-in-command to a captain on a boat?

Who is second-in-command to a captain on a boat?

First Mate
2. First Mate. The first mate, or chief officer, is second in command below the captain.

What rank is second-in-command?

The second-in-command of a company, squadron, or artillery battery (in which they are called the battery captain) is usually a captain (although infantry company second-in-commands were usually lieutenants until after the Second World War), the second-in-command of a platoon or troop is the platoon or troop sergeant.

Who is 3rd in command of the Enterprise?

Okay, the chain of command is: Captain Picard, Commander Riker, with Lt. Commander Data third. But the ranks of other officers don’t match.

Who is third in command on a ship?

3rd mate
The 3rd mate is often the ship’s safety officer. A third mate (3/M) or third officer is a licensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship. The third mate is a watchstander and customarily the ship’s safety officer and fourth-in-command (fifth on some ocean liners). The position is junior to a second mate.

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Is the first mate second-in-command?

The First Mate is second in command aboard the vessel and must be capable of assuming full command should the Captain become incapacitated. The Captain relies heavily on the First Mate to supervise and coordinate day-to-day activities of all members of the deck department, and to participate fully in those activities.

Who is second-in-command to the Queen?

Her husband, Prince Philip, who died in April at 99, was steadily by her side through the years, but he was not in line to succeed her. Instead, after the queen, her firstborn, Charles, Prince of Wales, will rule, followed by his firstborn, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and then his firstborn, Prince George.

What is the responsibility of second officer?

The Second Officer (Watch) is the Navigation Officer responsible for the navigational operations, reports, equipment, supplies, maintenance and resources of the ship. Ensures that all standard navigation day’s work is performed by all watches and that operational checklists are maintained.