
Who is Shango in Yoruba?

Who is Shango in Yoruba?

Shango, also called Chango, major deity of the religion of the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria. He also figures in the religion of the Edo people of southeastern Nigeria, who refer to him as Esango, and in the religion of the Fon people of Benin, who call him Sogbo or Ebioso.

Who is Sango in Yoruba?

Sango is one of the ancestral fathers and Orishas of the Yoruba, Caribbean and certain Latin American people. He is the highly reverenced god of Thunder, Lightning, and Electricity who was also the third Alaafin of Oyo. He was a powerful ruler who brought prosperity to his land.

What is the story of Sango?

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Sango was a royal ancestor of the Yoruba as he was the third king of the Oyo Kingdom. He succeeded Ajaka, son of Oranmiyan. His symbol is a double-headed axe, which represents swift and balanced justice. In another set of stories, Sango is the son of Aganju and Obatala.

What is Shango the god of?

In Brazil, Shango is worshipped as a thunder and weather god by the Umbandists and also In Santeria, Shango (Chango) is the equivalent of the Catholic saint St. Barbara. Magic, thunder and lightning characterized his reign as the fourth ruler of the kingdom of Oyo.

What color is Shango?

Day The fifth day of the week
Color Red and White
Region Nigeria, Benin, Latin America
Ethnic group Yoruba people, Fon people

What does Shango look like?

As the god of thunder and lightning, Shango has some powerful energy. In artwork he is often depicted with a double ax on his head, the symbol of a thunderbolt, or he is depicted as a fierce ram.

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Who is Sango father?

However, the version which appears valid, adapted by historians, backed by Odu-Ifa and as told in folklores in the Yoruba religion sphere was that Oranmiyan was the father of Sango, Oranmiyan the founder of Oyo kingdom and the youngest grandson of Oduduwa the progenitor married a Nupe woman who bore him Sango.

How is Sango Worshipped?

During annual Sango festivals, Sango possessed worshippers carry their individual ose Sango staffs as dance wands while singing Sango praise songs. When not being used, the staffs are used to decorate shrines dedicated to Sango. The opa can sometimes be carved in the form of a figure.

Who killed Sango?

Believed to bring prosperity to the people of the Oyo Empire during his reign, Sango’s death has been linked to different mythical stories. It is believed that Sango committed suicide by hanging himself in order to avoid humiliation from one of his powerful chiefs who ordered Sango to vacate his throne or face war.

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Who was Shango favorite wife?

American folklorist William Bascom notes: “Oya is the favourite wife of Shango, the only wife who remained true to him until the end, leaving Oyo with him and becoming a deity when he did. She is Goddess of the Niger River, (Odo Oya), but she manifests herself as the strong wind that precedes a thunderstorm.”

How strong is Shango?

Strength Level: Shango has superhuman strength and resistance to injury. He is able to lift a tank over his head with ease and throw it fifty meters. He is able to take a tank round full on the chest and survive the explosion.