
Who was Neo talking to at the end of the Matrix Revolutions?

Who was Neo talking to at the end of the Matrix Revolutions?

When Neo arrives at the Machine City, he’s met by what is, essentially, the collective voice of the Machines. (Well, first he watches Trinity die for about 35 minutes — you remember that fun scene.) The interconnected hive mind adopts a human face to speak to the first human ever to set foot inside the city’s walls.

Why did Neo lose to Smith?

Long story short, Agent Smith died by connecting to the Source. Neo jacked into the Matrix while connected to the Source. When Agent Smith copied himself onto Neo, he inadvertently connected to the Source and the machines were able to delete him. Going back to the end of the first Matrix movie, Neo destroyed Smith.

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What is the goal of the machines in the Matrix?

In The Matrix universe, humanity is responsible for the creation of a race of machines that have all but conquered the Earth and enslaved mankind via the Matrix: a virtual reality created to keep human minds alive and complacent whilst the Machines live off of their bioelectric and biothermal energy, essentially …

How did Neo stop the machines?

Towards the end of the sequel, after rushing to save Trinity, Neo wakes up aboard the Nebuchadnezzar and senses sentinels approaching to attack. Although the ship was ultimately destroyed, the crew managed to escape as Neo disabled the machines with his mind.

Why did the machines take Neo?

Neo sacrificed himself to stop the spread of Agent Smith, which the Matrix could no longer control. All Neo wanted in exchange for saving the machine world was peace between the machines and humans. They agreed to his terms and sent him into the Matrix. There he allowed himself to be absorbed by Smith’s program.

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How were the machines created in the Matrix?

In the early 21st century, the human race invented true artificial intelligence and installed it into their technology to become a slave caste for all Human menial labor. This inadvertently gave birth to a new race of being henceforth known as ‘the machines’.

Was Neo still in the Matrix?

The trailer for The Matrix Resurrections finally revealed the return of Neo, which has spawned a wealth of theories as to how the character is still alive. The character of Neo in The Matrix remains one of Keanu Reeves’ career-defining roles.