
Why are the farmers in India able to grow a large variety of food?

Why are the farmers in India able to grow a large variety of food?

Every region /part of India is diverse and demand for food also varies from place to place and region to region. The rich biodiversity and growing demand of people along with market opportunities necessitated production of wide range of agri / horti crops in the country.

Where is rice mostly grown in India?

West Bengal is the largest rice producing state in India. Almost half of its arable land is under rice cultivation. In the fiscal year 2016, the state produced about 15.75 million tonnes of rice over 5.46 million hectare cultivable area.

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What is India’s position with respect to the production of rice in the world?

India ranks fourth in the production of wheat & second in the production of rice in the world.

Why despite decrease in areas devoted to rice production is still increasing?

Despite a decrease in land area planted to rice, rice production has been rising due to rapid yield growth. This in turn has been driven by irrigation and land development, together with technological change.

Why variety of crops are grown in India?

Why are a variety of food crops and non food crops grown in India?

A variety of food and non food crops are grown in different parts of the country depending upon the variations in soil, climate and cultivation practices. This rabi crop requires a cool growing season and a bright sunshine at the time of ripening.

How many times rice can be grown in a year?

There are three seasons for growing rice in India viz. – autumn, winter and summer. These three seasons are named according to the season of harvest of the crop. Autumn rice is known as pre-kharif rice….

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Autumn Harvesting
Winter Sowing
Summer Sowing

Which country is the biggest exporter of rice?

India had the highest export volume of rice worldwide, at 15.5 million metric tons as of 2020/2021.

Why does rice grow so well in Asia?

While rice is a versatile crop that can be grown in a variety of environments, 90\% of the global rice supply is produced in tropical nations with high rainfall such as Thailand, India and Indonesia. When rice seedlings have matured and their kernels have turned a golden brown, the harvesting can begin.

What is the cause of less rice productivity?

It is often found that upland rainfed crop suffered due to soil moisture stress at critical crop growth stage including drought, lack of resistant/ tolerance of diseases and pests, in adequate plant population and low nutrients status of soils are responsible for low productivity of rice in upland areas.