
Why catenation property decreases down the group?

Why catenation property decreases down the group?

Catenation tendency decreases down the group. This happens because the atomic size increases down the group and the strength of the covalent bond decreases. Hence, the catenation property decreases down the group.

In what order does the property of catenation decrease?


Why does catenation decrease down Group 15?

Larger atoms form weaker bonds due to poor overlap betwen their atomic orbitals. So catenation decreases down the group due to decrease in bond energy.

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Does property not show catenation?

Tin is similarly not known to but is a topic of research to identify the catenation property in it but it is equivalent to germanium. Lastly, lead or Pb which is a metal in the group and catenation property is mostly shown by non-metals that is why it does not show any catenation power.

What are the conditions for catenation?

Essential condition for catenation, (i) the valency of element is greater than or equal to two. (ii) Element should have an ability to bond with itself. (iii) The self bondmust be as strong as its bodn with other elements.

What is catenation property and what are conditions for catenation?

The following conditions are necessary for catenation. (i) The valency of element is greater than or equal to two. (ii) Element should have an ability to bond with itself. (iii)The self bond must be as strong as its bond with other elements. (iv) Kinetic inertnessof catenated compound towards other molecules.

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Why does the property of catenation decreases down the group 14?

As we move down the group 14, the atomic size increases and hence the strength of the element-element bond, i.e., the bond dissociation enthalpy decreases steadily. Consequently, the tendency for catenation decreases down the group with increasing atomic number.

What is the order of catenation?

Si > C > Ge > Sn.

How is catenation property of Group 15 elements give explain?

The reactivity of the heavier group 15 elements decreases down the stability of their catenated compounds. In Group 15, nitrogen and phosphorus behave chemically like non-metals, arsenic and antimony behave like semi-metals and bismuth behaves like a metal.

What is catenation explain with Group 14 elements?

Catenation is the linkage of atoms of the same element into longer chains. It occurs most readily in carbon, which forms covalent bonds with other carbon atoms to form longer chains and structures.

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What is catenation describe briefly the catenation property of carbon?

The large number of organic compounds is due to the ability of carbon atom to form long chains with other carbon atoms through the sharing of electrons. This unique property of carbon is known as catenation. Carbon atoms can form long chains by sharing their valence electrons with other carbon atoms.

What do you mean by catenation property?

Catenation : The property of self linking of carbon atoms through covalent bonds to form long chains and rings of different sizes is called “catenation”. Catenation is the property of carbon.