
Why did Littlefinger let Joffrey kill Ros?

Why did Littlefinger let Joffrey kill Ros?

When Littlefinger finds out she is spying on him for Varys, he gives her to King Joffrey, who wanted to try something “new and daring”. Joffrey used Ros as a live target, brutally killing her by shooting her and pinning her to his bed with multiple crossbow bolts.

Why was Roz killed Game of Thrones?

The only pleasure Joffrey derived was ordering Ros to beat her companion and make sure Tyrion saw the result. This was Joffrey’s retaliation for his uncle coming to Sansa’s defense and chastising him in front of the members of the court.

Why does Joffrey kill the bastards?

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The child of Robert Baratheon would be the heir to the throne before any of Robert’s siblings, so killing the bastards eliminates them as a threat to Joffrey’s kingship.

What did Ros do to Daisy?

He asks if Ros can hit Daisy and she spanks her gently. Joffrey asks if Tyrion sent them and Ros says that Tyrion chose them himself. Joffrey forces Ros to hit Daisy with his belt, hard enough to make her scream. He hands Ros a stag’s head sceptre, and she protests that too much pain will spoil the pleasure.

Why did Joffrey kill Ros Reddit?

He murdered Ros for no other reason than that he enjoyed the act of murder. And he being the king and she being a whore, the odds of him facing any kind of consequences were essentially nil.

How did littlefinger know about Ros?

Originally Answered: How did Baelish discover that Ros was spying for Varys? He probably did something like Tyrion did last season — carefully feed information to people and see where it ends up, then trace it back to the person he told.

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How many bastards did King Baratheon have?

Although Robert Baratheon is known to have fathered – according to Maggy the Frog’s prophecy – a total of sixteen bastards, only one has been acknowledged. Varys admits to knowing of eight.

How old is Gendry?

Gendry was born in 284AD, putting him to be about 15 years old in aCoK (around the same age as Robb and Jon). In aCoK: “Arya had to scamper to keep up. Gendry was five years older and a foot taller than she was, and long of leg as well.”

Why did cersei take Ros?

In season 2, Cersei Lannister captures Ros. Cersei mistakenly thinks that her brother Tyrion is secretly in love with Ros, because Ros wears a Lannister pendant. This mistake probably saved his real love, Shae, from Cersei.

Why did Sansa cry when the ship left?

Sansa was crying because Tyrion told her of Tywin’s plan to marry them, when she had expected she would marry Loras. Remember that she had asked Littlefinger if she could stay in King’s Landing mainly because she was to marry Loras and she was hoping that would bring her happiness.

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