
Why did Sam and Dean start hunting?

Why did Sam and Dean start hunting?

Sam shows him a message from one of John’s old contacts, Ellen Harvelle. There they find a job and head out. Dean wonders why Sam is suddenly all for hunting now. Sam tells Dean that it’s because it’s what their father would have wanted.

Did Sam Winchester’s son become a hunter?

John is the father of Sam and Dean Winchester, the show’s protagonists. Seeking revenge after his wife Mary was killed by the demon Azazel, John Winchester became a hunter and raised his two sons to fight the supernatural.

Are Sam and Dean good hunters?

Well you can have all the opinions you want but Sam is in no way a better hunter than Dean. He’s not a better fighter or stronger than Dean. Dean knows more about hunting than most and adapts to anything thrown at him. By Sam’s own words Dean is the best hunter.

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What happened to the two hunters who killed Sam and Dean?

Dean and Sam are killed by the hunters Walt and Roy. They awake in heaven and Castiel contacts Dean and asks him to seek out the angel Joshua. Meanwhile Zachariah is chasing them in Heaven to force Dean to be Michael’s vessel.

Who did Sam Winchester marry in season 15?

But the fact stands that if we believe his words, then Eileen was brought back for the final season to be a prop piece for Sam. And we’re not about that life, especially with the history of fridging that Supernatural has had when it comes to their female characters. Sam and Eileen got married. Dean approved.

Is Sam or Dean a better fighter?

Dean is a superior combatant to his younger brother Sam and while he gets overpowered by Sam at times, it was only due to Sam having an advantage due to his emotions clouding him and whenever he is fighting Sam at full fighting capability, he always beats him despite Sam being stronger.

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Why does season 3 of Supernatural only have 16 episodes?

The CW ordered 22 episodes for the season, but interference from the 2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike ultimately limited the season to 16 episodes. Some storylines were thus postponed, which Kripke felt ultimately benefited the season by forcing the writers to focus on saving Dean.

What would have happened to Sam and Dean without hunting?

Without hunting, they wouldn’t be close. In Dean’s dream after encountering a djinn, he imagines that his mother is still alive and that Sam and Jessica got married. Sam stayed in college and never became close with his brother. Without hunting, they didn’t have anything in common and barely were around each other.

Why do Dean and Dean go back to the hunting world?

Dean, also, finds happiness with Lisa and Ben but goes back to hunting when he realizes that Sam is still alive. It’s like neither brother is capable of saying no to the other. Whenever one needs them back in the hunting world they go back.

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What is the relationship between Sam and Dean from supernatural?

Sam and Dean Winchester are brothers and the main protagonists of Supernatural. They are dedicated to one another, though there are many instances of strain throughout the series. Their relationship developed as one of the show’s main plot lines.

How did Sam and Dean team up to kill the demon?

Dean tells Sam it’s what Jessica would have wanted for Sam. They eventually team up with their father again, and Dean has to deal with Sam and John’s arguing. Sam and Dean team up to defy their father’s orders, and help him get the Colt, a special gun that can kill almost anything. They head out after the demon.