
Why did the clone troopers change helmets?

Why did the clone troopers change helmets?

From an out-of-character perspective, the original Clone Trooper armor was supposed to have a bit of a Mandalorian aesthetic in order to highlight the Jango Fett connection. The later versions intentionally evolved towards the classic Stormtrooper design in order to establish a lineage continuity.

Why did the clones paint their helmets orange?

It’s painted orange because Anakin assigned a select few members of the 501st Legion to assist Ahsoka in the upcoming Siege of Mandalore against Darth Maul. To honor her, the troops painted their helmets orange so that they resemble Ahsoka’s facial markings.

Why didn t rex paint his helmet?

He knows his relationship with Ahsoka, so he doesn’t feel the grand gesture of painting his helmet entirely necessary. The most likely out of universe answer: They didn’t want to confuse people by messing with the designs of more well known clones.

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Why are clones cooler than Stormtroopers?

Because Clone troopers are the clones of a super cool bounty hunter, trained to fight well with cool armor designs. They are initially presented as “good guys” before they turn on the Jedi. Stormtroopers are trained conscripts or volunteers, whose hearts are not really into it perhaps.

What does Rex’s helmet mean?

During the Clone Wars, several clone troopers bore tally marks on their helmet to signify their kills. Captains CT-7567 “Rex” and CC-5576-39 “Gregor” were some clone officers that possessed tallies, however Rex stated he didn’t keep track.

Why was Rex’s helmet different?

This is because Wolffe and Rex both took on new helmets throughout their time as leaders in the Grand Army of the Republic. Early on in the Clone Wars, clones wore armor that was colored only to signify their rank. It did not portray what legion they fought under. Also, clones didn’t modify this early armor.

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Why does Captain Rex have a different visor?

Captain Rex modified his suit. He did not like the phase 2 clone trooper armor as much so he welded the phase 1 chest piece and the phase 1 T visor to fit his needs. That’s why there are orange marks on his helmet and chest.