
Why did Thor get fat and depressed?

Why did Thor get fat and depressed?

Decapitating Thanos did nothing to assuage his insecurity either. It drove him into an even deeper spiral, since he lost hope that there was nothing to be done to fix his mistake. He gains a ton of weight, which serves to show his utter lack of motivation to leave his house and drown his problems with alcohol.

Why was Thor made fat in Endgame?

One of the biggest kept secrets of “Avengers: Endgame” was the introduction of Chris Hemsworth’s Thor as a heavier-set alcoholic. “Endgame” screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely were accused of fat-phobia and making fun of obesity by using Thor’s weight gain as a source of comedic relief in the film.

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How did they make Thor look fat in endgame?

“We had a sort of fat suit that I think was 60 or 70 pounds. It was the hottest I’ve ever been,” Hemsworth said. On top of the fat suit, the actor was also given more body hair than he was used to, including a large bushy beard.

Why did Thor become fat in endgame?

“Thor got fat because he ate and drank too much and spent too much time sitting around playing video games and watching TV” is obvious and probably not all that helpful.

Why did Nick Fury make Thor unworthy?

When facing Thor, Fury whispered something into the God of Thunder’s ear that not only shocked him but left him unworthy to lift his hammer. This event would serve as the catalyst for Jane Foster to claim the hammer, becoming the Mighty Thor, and for plenty of villains to rise in the aftermath.

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What happened to Thor’s mental health in ‘Avengers’?

Chris Hemsworth as Thor, the God of Thunder. Warning: Spoilers ahead for “Avengers: Endgame.” After the major time jump in “Endgame,” it was revealed that Thor’s mental health seriously suffered in the five years since Thanos snapped his fingers.

Why did Thor gain so much weight?

In addition to exhibiting symptoms of depression, alcoholism, and post-traumatic stress disorder, Thor had gained a noticeable amount of weight. Though weight gain is a symptom of some mental illnesses, there were multiple jokes specifically about his weight gain, which could easily be read as fat-shaming.

Did Thor Ever get Fat in the comics?

No, Thor hasn’t been fat in the comics, but that doesn’t mean anything. I cannot imagine why people think Asgardians cannot get fat…Volstagg exists both in the comics… Ooo yaas, Thor got fat once. Also green. In fact, he croaked. This was one of Walt Simonson’s most amusing stories.

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What does Thor look like in Endgame?

Trailers and teaser images for “Endgame” mostly showed the Avengers before the five-year time jump, so it’s a big surprise for audiences when Thor finally reappears on screen: shirtless, drunk, and noticeably heavier, with long, dirty hair and an unruly beard.