
Why didnt Obi-Wan use Force heal on Qui-Gon?

Why didnt Obi-Wan use Force heal on Qui-Gon?

Qui-Gon literally said “it’s too late” to Obi-Wan. Force healing can undo the damage, but not its effects. His body had already shut down at that point. Force Healing requires one to transfer one’s own vitality to the wounded, so the more severe the wound the greater amount of life energy that needs to be transferred.

Did Obi-Wan Kenobi use Force healing?

It is clear Obi-Wan used the Force to heal Luke, but at the time of release (and for many years afterward) it wasn’t clear exactly what he was doing. Through the information learned in The Rise Of Skywalker, audiences can connect his and Rey’s abilities as one and the same.

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Why didnt Jedi use Force heal?

Yes, Obi-Wan loved Qui-Gon, and Anakin loved Padme, but it was still stifled by the rules they were bounded to as Jedi. Rey and Ben did not have such weakness. TL;DR: The old Jedi couldn’t heal because they didn’t allow for real emotional connection that is necessary for it.

What Jedi can heal?

Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee could also use this ability. Anakin Skywalker used a variation of this ability on Mortis, with help from the mortally wounded Force-wielder known as the Daughter, and drained her Force energy to revive Ahsoka Tano.

Can Jedi use Force healing?

At least some members of a species native to Brodo Asogi possessed this technique, while the Jedi of the New Jedi Order used this ability in the form of a healing trance. Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, also known as Palpatine, was capable of using Force healing.

Did Anakin know Force heal?

In Canon, Anakin did know of Force healing. He was tended to by the Jedi when Dooku amputated his arm. I’m not aware of him using it, though. In Legends, he did know of it.

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Why didnt Anakin learn Force heal?

Anakin didn’t have the patience and gentleness to be a Jedi Consular; and even they are limited in what they can do to help others. They can use the Force to bring people back from the brink of death, but once the person has died, they can’t be healed back to life.