
Why do my follow requests disappear?

Why do my follow requests disappear?

Either you have accepted all by mistake or declined all. Or sometimes if you convert your profile into public and change to private again then also the following requests will vanish. Instagram might have automatically accepted their request if your profile became public at any point.

Can you tell if someone rejects your follow request on Instagram?

No, Instagram does not notify people that their request has been rejected. But be careful bthough because the follow button on your profile page changes to requesting when someone requests to follow you through their account. If you reject their request then the button changes to follow once again.

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Why does Instagram delete follow requests?

The first thing to know is that “follow” requests have no expiration date, and they will never be removed automatically by Instagram. The possible solution is a change that you may have made to your account, unaware of its consequences, such as changing your account status.

Do Instagram Follow requests expire?

Follow requests on Instagram don’t expire at all. They just sit there in a pending state until they’re touched, which can be a problem if you’re applying any kind of follow/unfollow strategy since those pending follows are counted towards the total # of people you can follow.

How do you see who requested to follow you on Instagram?

Tap on the hamburger menu icon in the top right corner and then tap on Settings. Next, go to Security. Under Data and History, tap on Access Data. Now tap on the View All link for Current follow requests under Connections.

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How do you know if your friend request was ignored?

Look at the gray button next to the person’s name. If the button reads “Friend Request Sent,” the person has not yet accepted or declined your friend request. If the button reads “+1 Add Friend,” the person denied your friendship request.

How do I know if I requested to follow someone on Instagram?

How do you know if someone rejects your friend request?

What does it look like when someone requests to follow you on Instagram?

When someone attempts to follow you, you will receive a notification and can allow or disallow them to follow you and see your posts and stories. If you do nothing, they will not be able to follow you or see your content.