
Why do Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon go to Tatooine?

Why do Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon go to Tatooine?

A short jaunt through the planet’s core, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan locate and save Queen Amidala and her court. The Jedi join the others as they run the blockade and escape the planet. The ship is forced to land on Tatooine due to a broken hyperdrive. Qui-Gon heads into Mos Espa to buy the parts they need.

Why did Palpatine send Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan?

These were orchestrated by Darth Sidious in order to engineer the Trade Federation’s invasion of Naboo and his ascension to the position of Chancellor. It seems Qui-Gon sensed there was something odd about this legislation, and he and Obi-Wan were looking through every detail in order to figure it out.

What was the name of the underwater city in Star Wars?

Beneath the surface of Lake Paonga on Naboo is a spectacular Gungan city. A crowning achievement of unique Gungan technology, the city appears as a glittering cluster of jewel-like bubbles. The bubbles are hydrostatic force-fields that contain breathable atmospheres for the city’s inhabitants.

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Why did Qui-Gon Jinn stop on Tatooine?

During the trip to the capital, damaged sustained to the Royal Starship forced an unscheduled stop on the Outer Rim world of Tatooine. There, Qui-Gon discovered a young slave boy named Anakin Skywalker, who was strong in the Force.

Why was Naboo attacked?

The Trade Federation invades Naboo because they’re secretly working for Darth Sidious, who is secretly Palpatine, who is not secretly the Senator of Naboo. Palpatine’s whole purpose in arranging the invasion was to create a situation where he could have someone call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Vallorum.

Where is Naboo in Star Wars?

Chommell sector
Naboo was a bountiful planet in the Chommell sector of the Mid Rim, close to the border of the Outer Rim Territories. It was home to the Gungan species and to a population of humans known as the Naboo.