
Why do saxophones sound romantic?

Why do saxophones sound romantic?

It has an amazing ability to ‘bend’ notes & a soprano sax can be pulled about a tone & a half on the right mouthpiece. The seductive, sexy sound can change instantly to a growl with no change of mouthpiece although that part makes a huge range of tones available simply by its internal shape.

Which is better soprano or saxophone?

The alto saxophone is easier to play than the soprano saxophone, and so it is a good choice for beginners. However, the alto has a bend, so the alto saxophone is about 1.5 times longer overall than the soprano saxophone, and because of that it is heavier as well.

Is saxophone a romantic instrument?

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The saxophone is often used in music and cinema to suggest romance or heart break, e.g. the saxophone solo at the end of Dan Fogelberg’s “Same Old Lang Syne”.

What does the saxophone symbolize?

The saxophone as symbol and icon From its inception, the instrument has been identified with modernity, innovation, and a sense of exploration and enquiry.

What instrument is most attractive?

During a survey, 26 percent of adults found the guitar to be the sexiest musical instrument to play.

Why is it called a saxophone?

The saxophone is only a few instruments in wide use today known to be invented by a single individual. His name is Adolphe Sax: that is why it is called the saxophone. History tells us that Adolphe Sax (1814 – 1894) was a musical instrument designer born in Belgium who could play many wind instruments.

What is a soprano saxophone?

When you picture a saxophone, you probably see the brass or gold finish, the complicated system of keys, and then the curved bow at the bottom, to where the sound comes out of the bell. The common design of a soprano sax is a straight one, leaving out the bow, and going right into the bell from the body. Much like a clarinet, but smaller.

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What does a saxophone look like?

When you picture a saxophone, you probably see the brass or gold finish, the complicated system of keys, and then the curved bow at the bottom, to where the sound comes out of the bell. The common design of a soprano sax is a straight one, leaving out the bow, and going right into the bell from the body.

What is the most played song on the saxophone?

Amazingly it is Kenny G’s soprano saxophone on “Going Home” that has probably been the most played song on the instrument in its history! It is often used in China, even twenty-five years after it was recorded, to signal to shoppers that it is closing time and indeed time to go home.

Is Selmer a good brand for a beginner saxophone?

Selmer makes beginner, intermediate, and of course, expert level soprano saxophones. The value is tremendous. They arguably make the best soprano saxophones ever made. The sound quality is what everyone else compares their sound to.

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