
Why do we divide the task of data communication into different protocol layers?

Why do we divide the task of data communication into different protocol layers?

Layering allows standards to be put in place and simply adapted as new hardware and software is developed. Similarly, the move from IPv4 addressing to IPv6 affects only the network layer – the other layers remain unaffected. This allows improvements to be made without having to redefine whole communication methods.

What do you mean computer network model differentiate between TCP IP and OSI model in detail with neat diagram?

OSI refers to Open Systems Interconnection whereas TCP/IP refers to Transmission Control Protocol. OSI follows a vertical approach whereas TCP/IP follows a horizontal approach. OSI model, the transport layer, is only connection-oriented whereas the TCP/IP model is both connection-oriented and connectionless.

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What is the standard that allowed communication between different networks on the Internet?

Internet Protocol: Internet Protocol (IP) allows data to be sent between devices via the internet.

What are different network layers?

The OSI Model Defined In the OSI reference model, the communications between a computing system are split into seven different abstraction layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application.

What is an advantage of using layers to construct network protocols?

The division of network protocols and services into layers not only helps simplify networking protocols by breaking them into smaller, more manageable units, but also offers greater flexibility. By dividing protocols into layers, protocols can be designed for interoperability.

Which layer of OSI is required when the two different network want to communicate with each other?

OSI Layer 3: Network Layer The most commonly used protocol at this layer is IPv4. The network layer is responsible for: Routing packets from source to destination (host-to-host delivery) across different networks, Translating logical addresses into physical addresses, and.

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How does network communication work?

The internet and most other data networks work by organizing data into small pieces called packets. To improve communication performance and reliability, each large message sent between two network devices is often subdivided into smaller packets by the underlying hardware and software.

Why are protocols and standards needed in computer networks?

Protocols and standards make networks work together. Protocols make it possible for the various components of a network to communicate with each other, and standards make it possible for different manufacturers’ network components to work together.