
Why does Freddy get fooled by the mask?

Why does Freddy get fooled by the mask?

The reason most animatronics are fooled by the mask is obviously because they think it is a animatronic but would it not be suspicious to see the same ‘animatronic’ in the office doing work. This shows animatronics don’t have very good AI except Foxy and the Puppet.

Does Freddy get fooled by the mask?

3 Answers. The mask prevents recognition, as you sometimes see an animatronic move dangerously close to you, linger, then leave. Two animatronics aren’t fooled, though. These are the Marionette and Foxy.

Can Freddy jumpscare you?

Molten Freddy, like all the other enemies in the game, can jumpscare the player in the salvage minigames if the player fails to ward him off, or in the Office.

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What happens if you just sit there in FNaF?

Short answer: You die. I tested night 5, and immediately starting looking on the monitor. You see the three animatronics, after a few seconds the view gets disturbed, and when you can look again, one is missing. This happens to all of them eventually.

Who was golden Freddy before he died?

Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Silver Eyes Golden Freddy begins speaking, though not aloud, and Carlton realizes that Golden Freddy is the spirit of his childhood friend, Michael Brooks, one of Afton’s previous victims.

Does the mask work on mangle?

For Mangle, you must wear the mask when she charges at you, and then collect the parts she drops.

What is the scariest jumpscare in FNaF?

Chica’s jumpscare is the scariest because I have a hard time seeing it coming. For FNaF SL I chose Funtime Freddy. Simply put it that all the other jumpscares in the game are due to mistakes. This jumpscare is caused by a mix of luck and stress.

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Can Freddy jumpscare you in FNaF 1?

Golden Freddy can even enter your room if both doors are closed by the time you see his poster on the wall. He can’t appear in any other way in normal gameplay – however, he does jumpscare you if you put the AI.

Who is shadow Bonnie?

RWQFSFASXC, better known as Shadow Bonnie, is a recurring antagonist in the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise. Shadow Bonnie is a dark form that haunts both the old and new Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, appearing in both FNaF 2 and FNaF 3. Shadow Bonnie takes the form of a silhouetted Toy Bonnie.