
Why does the US still have a jury?

Why does the US still have a jury?

Historically, the US has a jury system because Americans were English before that; the English justice system had juries, so when the American justice system was written, it was modeled after that to the point that we actually imported all of the Common Law elements of the law at that time.

Is the jury more powerful than the judge?

Juries tend to be easier audiences than judges. Meanwhile, judges analyze all the facts, evidence, and details of the case. They are highly trained and experienced legal professionals who make decisions based on the law, unlike the less intimidating, average juror.

Why was Indian jury removed?

It was claimed that jury had been influenced by media and was open to being misled. The Government of India abolished jury trials soon after in most cases except for Parsis who still have Jury Trials for their Matrimonial Disputes.

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Is the US the only country with jury duty?

Juries or lay judges have also been incorporated into the legal systems of many civil law countries for criminal cases. Only the United States makes routine use of jury trials in a wide variety of non-criminal cases.

What are the disadvantages of having a jury?


  • Perverse decisions – can be a protest against the law.
  • Jury tampering – bribery/threats.
  • Radical views/bias as there is no right to a multi-racial jury.
  • Media coverage may influence jurors.
  • Lack of understanding – especially for fraud trails = complex +time consuming.

Can you trust a jury?

A defense attorney can control trial preparation and how he or she seeks to persuade a jury or judge with evidence and law. Once a jury starts to deliberate, a defense attorney has no more control. “If you can’t trust the jury, you can’t trust the process. So if you trust the process, you have to trust the jury.”