
Why have you chosen PeoplePerHour as the platform to work on?

Why have you chosen PeoplePerHour as the platform to work on?

PeoplePerHour is the top most freelance website used by the freelancer. It is best platform for the clients as well as the freelancers as it provides a sense of security to both. In addition to that, the user interface is easy and payment system is simple for anyone to understand.

How do you respond to a freelance offer?

Possible answers:

  1. Say nothing, do nothing.
  2. Let’s discuss.
  3. I appreciate your offer, but that’s not a rate that I can accept.
  4. Thanks for your offer, but I have other clients that you are competing with for my time and expertise.
  5. If your situation changes I’d be happy to revisit with you at a later time.

Is PeoplePerHour real?

Is PeoplePerHour Legit Or Scam? PeoplePerHour is a legitimate option for freelancers and buyers that has been used for more than a decade. Payments are protected for both parties because they are placed in escrow.

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How do you respond to an offer?

Follow these guidelines to accept an offer:

  1. Formally accept the job.
  2. Express your thanks.
  3. Confirm employment details.
  4. Ask about final steps.
  5. Notify other employers.
  6. Formally decline the job.
  7. Consider providing a reason.
  8. Thank the employer.

How do you respond to an offer email?

Remember to:

  1. Make the acceptance obvious (i.e. use the words, “I am pleased to accept your offer…”)
  2. Repeat the position title and relevant terms.
  3. Give your expected start date.
  4. Express your thanks.
  5. Clarify anything that needs to be clarified.
  6. Inquire about additional paperwork or information to provide.

What should I write in about me in PeoplePerHour?

Describe your job in as much detail as you can comfortably reveal (if you’re worried about confidentiality, there’s always the option of a non-disclosure agreement later on). Describe your ideal candidate in terms of experience, industry contacts, expertise and any other criteria that would help to narrow your search.