
Why is Napoleon ambitious?

Why is Napoleon ambitious?

Over-Ambition Napoleon had a grand vision for himself and his country. He wanted to be a new Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar. Only the most ambitious of endeavors could have the impact his heroes had achieved. It was this that led him to a succession of wars that spanned a continent.

How Was Napoleon a good dictator?

Napoleon the good He transformed the way in which the French army operated and turned France into the greatest military power in Europe. His confidence and ambition inspired his troops, and their victories brought glory to France. Napoleon saved France from the chaos of the French Revolution.

Why did people accept Napoleon as a dictator?

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Napoleon is a dictator. Why do the people accept a dictator in France? Because of the Revolution. Many French wanted order, peace and greatness, and it seemed that Napoleon had given them this or would do it soon.

What was Napoleon trying to accomplish?

What did Napoleon accomplish? Napoleon served as first consul of France from 1799 to 1804. In that time, Napoleon reformed the French educational system, developed a civil code (the Napoleonic Code), and negotiated the Concordat of 1801. He also initiated the Napoleonic Wars (c.

What was Napoleon’s greatest achievement as leader of France?

Undoubtedly, Napoleon’s greatest achievement was the spreading of French Revolutionary ideas across Europe and ultimately the world, which would lead to the revolutions of 1830, 1848, and other efforts by the masses to achieve true libertie, egalite, et fraternitie.

Was Napoleon a dictator or great leader?

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military general, the first emperor of France and one of the world’s greatest military leaders. Napoleon revolutionized military organization and training, sponsored the Napoleonic Code, reorganized education and established the long-lived Concordat with the papacy.

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What kind of leader was Napoleon?

Napoleon Bonaparte. The French Revolution military leader was notorious for his autocratic leadership style. He commanded a huge army without sharing his ideas with anyone.

How did Napoleon become a dictator quizlet?

How was Napoleon able to become a dictator? Napoleon was able to became a dictator because he was a powerful military commander. He and his troops circled the national legislatives’s members and drove them out. The remaining law makers established a group of three consuls.

Why did the people of France accept Napoleon as a military dictator after they just had a revolution to get rid of an absolute monarch?

What may have caused the French people to embrace Napoleon as emperor so soon after fighting a revolution that rid them of a king? Use evidence. He made sure that all major groups gained from his rule: The peasants liked him because he got rid of Feudalism and allowed them to keep their land.

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Why was Napoleon so successful militarily?

His strong rapport with his troops, his organizational talents, and his creativity all played significant roles. However, the secret to Napoleon’s success was his ability to focus on a single objective. On the battlefield, Napoleon would concentrate his forces to deliver a decisive blow.