
Why is Reddit better than Quora?

Why is Reddit better than Quora?

Quora is for more professional, serious answers. Quora is only for questions, where Reddit is for anything. You have joke answers on Reddit. Reddit also has things called “subreddits”, where Quora has tags.

What’s better Reddit or Quora?

Quora is an exceptionally sophisticated platform with everything being served to you on the plate. If you are looking for direct and on point answers to your questions I think Quora is a better platform, whereas if you are ready to have a little fun and quick, quirky replies, Reddit is your place.

Which is more famous Quora or Reddit?

Both are at the top of the particular market they are targeting, but the market Reddit is targeting is much bigger. It helps that Reddit predates Quora by a a few years. Quora poses as a question and answer site.

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What is better Instagram or Reddit?

If you are looking for a more discussion based platform you should use reddit. For a more personal, friend to friend basis go for Instagram. Instagram does have millions of pages dedicated to specific topics and niches but that is more focused on the social side.

Is Quora copying Reddit?

Quora is not attempting to copy Reddit. It is attempting to become its own platform. Platforms tend to copy trends after each other and integrated communities was one of them. Spaces are necessary in order to provide a unified platform where people can work, collaborate and play together.

Why Reddit is different than other social media?

Reddit’s anonymity allows people to open up. Many use their real names on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks, while Reddit lets you hide behind your username. This translates to content that’s more authentic, as people don’t feel like they have to pretend or impress others as much.

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Is Reddit underrated?

According to Statista, Reddit ranked seventh in the United States in 2018 in number of monthly active users among social media mobile applications. Facebook led the way with 168 million users while Reddit sat at 33 million. …