
Why is talion not in Lord of the Rings?

Why is talion not in Lord of the Rings?

During War, Talion fights and destroys Isildur, releasing his spirit rather than dominating him with the new Ring. Isildur can finally rest in peace. Celebrimbor doesn’t like this one bit, so he abandons Talion.

Which one of the nine is talion?

Resisting the corrupting effects of the Ring during decades to hold back Sauron’s forces in Mordor and to give Gondor time to prepare for the War, Talion eventually became one of the nine Nazgûl.

Is Aragorn a descendant of talion?

Aragorn is a direct-line, unbroken, father-to-son descendant of Elendil through his older son and heir, Isildur, and Isildur’s only surviving son Valandil. Talion would have to be similarly related to Elendil through his other son Anarion, and Anarion’s heir Meneldil. There’s no evidence of such.

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Why does the Witch King want Talion?

He believed that Talion’s skills and experience would be a good addition to the Sauron’s cause. He also admired his perseverance and will power and was convinced he would make for a powerful Nazgûl, once he turned. Witch King first heard of Talion after he and Celebrimbor attacked the black gate.

What happens to Celebrimbor’s ring?

In a final battle, Celebrimbor used the Ring’s power to defeat Sauron. However the Ring wanted to return to the Dark Lord, and so it slipped off of Celebrimbor’s finger and onto Sauron’s, breaking Celebrimbor’s control over his orc army.

Is Talion Canon in Lord of the Rings?

Talion is the protagonist of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Middle-earth: Shadow of War, alongside Celebrimbor, with whom he shares a body. He is non-canonical as he does not originate from the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Why did Celebrimbor betray Talion?

Celebrimbor betrayed Talion. Basically, Talion realized that Celebrimbor wanted to dominate Sauron and basically rule Mordor himself and eventually conquer all of Middle Earth. Talion refused to help him so Celebrimbor manipulated Eltariel to go with his plan and gave her the ring and possesses her body.

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Are the Mirkwood spiders related to Shelob?

Shelob is described in The Two Towers as an “evil thing in spider-form… [the] last child of Ungoliant to trouble the unhappy world”, living high in the Ephel Dúath mountains on the borders of Mordor. Her descendants include the Giant Spiders of Mirkwood defeated by Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit.

Why did they make Shelob hot?

We really wanted to explore this character. We thought there was a lot to explore there, and we could do that with a humanoid representation. We’re not saying she is a woman; maybe she goes back between the two.