
Why is Taq polymerase used in PCR instead of normal DNA polymerase?

Why is Taq polymerase used in PCR instead of normal DNA polymerase?

The DNA polymerase typically used in PCR is called Taq polymerase, after the heat-tolerant bacterium from which it was isolated (Thermus aquaticus). This heat-stability makes Taq polymerase ideal for PCR. As we’ll see, high temperature is used repeatedly in PCR to denature the template DNA, or separate its strands.

Why is Taq polymerase used in PCR rather than other DNA polymerases quizlet?

Why is Taq polymerase used in PCR rather than other DNA polymerases? Taq polymerase is a heat-stable form of DNA polymerase that can function after exposure to the high temperatures that are necessary for PCR.

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What is the purpose of Taq polymerase in a PCR reaction?

Taq polymerase denotes the heat-stable DNA polymerase extracted from the thermophilic bacteria Thermus aquaticus. It is used to automate the repetitive steps in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, an extremely important method of amplifying specific DNA sequences.

What is unique about Taq DNA polymerase quizlet?

Why was this the case, and what is unique about Taq (Thermus aquaticus) DNA polymerase? A) Taq DNA polymerase is thermostable and does not denature at high temperatures.

Why is Taq polymerase special?

Taq makes DNA products that have A (adenine) overhangs at their 3′ ends. Also, Taq DNA Polymerase is the standard for routine PCR. It is “special” because it comes from the bacterium Thermus aquaticus, which lives in hot springs. So it is thermostable even at high temperatures, while other polymerases (eg E.

Where and why do we use Taq polymerase enzyme when it works exactly as DNA polymerase?

This enzyme is stable at high temperatures where all other enzymes undergo denaturation. This is specially used in PCR technique wher this enzyme can withstand the high temperature used in denaturation step for the separation of DNA strands.

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Does Taq polymerase denature DNA?

Taq polymerase is found in thermophilic bacteria and purified in in vitro DNA replication. The key difference between Taq polymerase and DNA polymerase is that Taq polymerase can withstand high temperatures without denaturing while other DNA polymerases denature at high temperatures (at protein degrading temperatures).

Why was this the case and what is unique about Taq DNA polymerase?