
Why is the scaphoid bone important?

Why is the scaphoid bone important?

The scaphoid bone is one of the carpal bones on the thumb side of the wrist, just above the radius. The bone is important for both motion and stability in the wrist joint. The word “scaphoid” comes from the Greek term for “boat.” The scaphoid bone resembles a boat with its relatively long, curved shape.

How long does avascular necrosis of scaphoid take?

The time taken for the fracture to heal ranges from 6 – 10 weeks. Fractures near the thumb take relatively less time to heal when compared to fractures near the forearm as the blood supply necessary for healing is better near the thumb.

Is a scaphoid fracture serious?

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A scaphoid fracture can lead to wrist osteoarthritis, especially if the fracture is untreated and does not heal correctly. This is called “nonunion.” Severe cases of this kind of osteoarthritis can lead to an incorrect alignment of wrist bones in what is called scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC).

Can you break your scaphoid twice?

There is no evidence that a broken bone will grow back stronger than it was before once it has healed. Although there may be a brief time when the fracture site is stronger, this is fleeting, and healed bones are capable of breaking again anywhere, including at the previous fracture site.

Why is the scaphoid at risk of avascular necrosis?

Avascular necrosis (AVN) is one complication of scaphoid fracture. Since the scaphoid receives its arterial supply in a retrograde fashion (i.e. from distal to proximal pole), the part proximal to the fracture is usually affected.

How long does scaphoid surgery take?

Technique: The surgeon makes a tiny incision in the skin (1mm to 2mm long) and places a screw in the bone, across the fracture line, with the entire procedure usually being completed in less than an hour.

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Do scaphoid fractures need surgery?

Yes. If you receive proper treatment and restrict activity with your hand, a scaphoid fracture may heal without surgery. Your doctor will likely recommend casting if it appears that the bones may heal on their own. The cast immobilizes your wrist, so the pieces of bone to fuse back together.

What happens if you don’t fix scaphoid?

If a Scaphoid fracture does not heal, it is called a Scaphoid Fracture Non-union. If left untreated, the part of the Scaphoid that interacts with the Radius may die, which can lead to painful arthritis in the wrist, developing months to years after the initial injury.

What does a nonunion fracture feel like?

Symptoms of Nonunion Common symptoms of a nonunion fracture include pain, swelling, tenderness, deformity, and the inability to bear weight despite sufficient time since the break. There is a timeframe for fracture healing, and patients with a nonunion may continue to experience symptoms after several weeks.