
Why is the slip always positive in an induction motor?

Why is the slip always positive in an induction motor?

When the Value of Slip is ‘0’ Therefore, emf will not be generated within rotor coils for generating rotor current. So this motor will not work. So, it essential to have a positive slip value in this motor and due to this reason, the slip will never become ‘0’ in an induction motor.

For which machine slip is equal to zero?

Torque developed by induction motor is proportional to the slip. At synchronous speed,slip is zero and hence torque developed by the motor is zero.

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What is slip of induction motor at no load?

At no-load condition, the rotor speed is almost equal to the synchronous speed. e.g A 4 pole, 60 Hz induction motor at no load turning at ηr = 1790 RPM will have slip = (1800 – 1790)/(1800) = 0.55\% Where 1800 is the synchronous speed of 4 pole, 60 Hz induction motor.

What would happen to an AC induction motor if the slip speed became 0?

Zero slip means that rotor speed is equal to synchronously rotating magnetic flux. Hence, no emf will be generated in rotor coils to produce rotor current. This means no electromagnetic torque will be produced. Induction motor will not work.

Is an induction motor no load slip is generally?

The rotor speed of an induction motor is always less than that of synchronous speed. At no load, the rotor speed is very close to the synchronous speed. So, the slip, in this case, is very less. So, the slip, in this case, is greater than that of slip at no load.

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Why does induction motor never attain synchronous speed?

An induction motor always runs at a speed less than synchronous speed because the rotating magnetic field which is produced in the stator will generate flux in the rotor which will make the rotor to rotate, but due to the lagging of flux current in the rotor with flux current in the stator, the rotor will never reach . …

Under what condition the slip in an induction motor is zero one negative and greater than one?

Slip = 1, means that rotor is stationary. Negative value of slip in induction motor can be achieved when the rotor speed is more than the synchronously rotating magnetic flux. This is only possible, when the rotor is rotated in the direction of rotating magnetic flux by some prime mover.